That means you can use them to index selected elements and attributes that are frequently used in predicates and joins.
The latter option with XMLCAST can be useful for joins on XML values which occur only once per document, because it allows the usage of a relational index on unit.manager.
查询 8使用了XMLCAST,对于各文档只需进行一次XML值连接非常有用,因为它允许在 unit.manager 上使用关系型索引。
For example, using the sample data in Figure 1, the following index idx1 would be useful for look-ups and joins based on author IDs across all documents in the XML column bookinfo of the table books.
例如,使用图1中的示例数据,可以根据author id使用下面的索引idx 1对表books的xml列bookinfo中的所有文档进行查找和连接。
With side tables, DB2 first performs an index lookup on the side table and then joins the corresponding row with the main table that contains the CLOBs.
在使用索引表的情况下,DB 2首先对索引表执行索引查找,然后将对应的行和包含CLOB的主表相结合。
With side tables, DB2 first performs an index lookup on the side table and then joins the corresponding row with the main table that contains the CLOBs.
在使用索引表的情况下,DB 2首先对索引表执行索引查找,然后将对应的行和包含CLOB的主表相结合。