The improved menu bar widget now supports an overflow indicator, shown in figure 2, when the window is sized down to a width that doesn't support displaying all the current top-level actions.
经过改进的菜单栏widget现支持溢位指示器(overflow indicator),如图2所示,当窗口缩小到无法显示当前所有顶级操作的宽度时,则以溢位指示器的形式指出。
The improved menu bar widget now supports an overflow indicator, shown in figure 2, when the window is sized down to a width that doesn't support displaying all the current top-level actions.
经过改进的菜单栏widget现支持溢位指示器(overflow indicator),如图2所示,当窗口缩小到无法显示当前所有顶级操作的宽度时,则以溢位指示器的形式指出。