The blue dye is obtained from the indigo plant.
The blue vat dye obtained until about 1900 entirely from some species of the indigo plant.
The importing of the indigo plant to Europe changed the fortunes of many people and allowed color to be more used.
Textile dyes, such as indigo, were mostly of plant origin until the advent of synthetic chemical dyes.
The indigo plant was highly valued until the discovery of chemical dyes in the 19th century.
Have you ever heard the proverb "Blue is extracted from the indigo plant, but is bluer than it"?
The dye extracted from the indigo is bluer than the plant; so is the ice colder than the water.
Indigo: Blue VAT dye, obtained until about 1900 entirely from some species of the indigo plant.
Some example are indigo, from the indigo plant, and Tyrian purple , the imperial purple the Romans prepared from a shellfish native to the Mediterranean.
The traditional dyestuffs are mainly plant dyestuff such as indigo plant knotweed etc and mineral dyestuff is cinnabar.
The plant dyestuffs have madder, Radix Arnebiae, Su Mu, indigo, safflower, pomegranate, yellow Fructus Gardeniae, tea, etc.
Technological Process: Wax painting, dyeing: dyed 5-9 times in plant indigo, there are many kinds of dyestuffs in different places.
工艺流程:画蜡、浸染:用植物靛蓝浸染5 - 9次,各地有几十种浸染配方。
Technological Process: Wax painting, dyeing: dyed 5-9 times in plant indigo, there are many kinds of dyestuffs in different places.
工艺流程:画蜡、浸染:用植物靛蓝浸染5 - 9次,各地有几十种浸染配方。