Is the lingering shadow of the global financial crisis making it harder to accept extravagant indulgences?
The good news is that some indulgences are beneficial.
Short-term indulgences will be replaced by long-term commitments.
Unhealthy indulgences aren't "rewards", they're unhealthy indulgences.
A baseball fan, his indulgences are largely limited to cigars and diet soft drinks.
Leo Rising is known for temper tantrums, jumping to conclusions and self-indulgences.
People who march to worldly rhythms will invriably be engulfed by their indulgences .
随世间节奏而行的, 由于放纵而被世间吞没。
When women can't afford pricier indulgences, Lauder mused, lipstick offers a cheaper compromise.
We all know some indulgences are better than others, with timing often being the critical issue.
Chua might see these mercies as indulgences, I'm thankful my parents saw them as a matter of course.
The same indulgences were made applicable to the souls in Purgatory by a rescript of January 10, 1854.
年1月10日文告内又宣布身处炼狱之灵魂亦可因之得全 大赦。
Try to think of indulgences that will reinforce a mind-body connection so you can savor the rewards of your hard work.
This in turn leads to more mistrust and unrest at the club as the constant revolution of indulgences and whims continues.
Instead, Rich suggests readers allow for “occasional indulgences so that you don’t become frustrated or go on a spending binge.”
And a cap-and-trade system sounds "a bit like buying indulgences from the ancient church," he told the Wall Street Journal.
This could be made available by the Pope through indulgences by which the soul was "let-off" a certain period in purgatory.
Friday will bring a 5.5-mile run, the extra half-mile my grueling expiation of any gastronomical indulgences during the week.
She also commented that providing workers with healthy snacks and drinks might encourage them to avoid unhealthy indulgences.
Thus those indulgence preachers are in error who say that a man is absolved from every penalty and saved by papal indulgences.
Personal indulgences - do you need the regular spa treatments, manicures, pedicures, facials etc... Can you do home made treatments instead?
Yoga may disturb some of your favorite habits such as smoking, eating junk food, over consuming alcohol, partying and other indulgences.
Yet they still are willing to shell out for small indulgences and goods that make life more comfortable at home, where they are spending more time.
She abandoned them under a delusion, 'he answered;' picturing in me a hero of romance, and expecting unlimited indulgences from my chivalrous devotion.
At around 4, she'll eat afternoon tea. She loves chocolate, but her favorite indulgences are jam pennies, little biscuit sandwiches with jam in the middle.
What's more, you'll truly enjoy those indulgences like the creamy feel of a Godiva truffle or a 10-minute shoulder massage at an airport kiosk when your flight is delayed.
实际上,你可以把那些嗜好当做是享受戈代娃松露(Godiva truffle )一样,或是你的航班延后了,你可以到机场的凉亭做一个肩部按摩。
Make a concentrated effort to replace the material and other indulgences you give your child for more family time or a more realistic view of what is important in life.
Make a concentrated effort to replace the material and other indulgences you give your child for more family time or a more realistic view of what is important in life.