You come to the Sierra, there are no factories, there is no industrial agriculture.
It opposes the standardization of taste and culture, and the unrestrained power of the food industry multinationals and industrial agriculture.
Yet anyone who opens his or her eyes sees a natural world so threatened by industrial agriculture that it's tempting to drop off the grid and raise a few chickens.
In addition to dairy farming and cultivating industrial crops, a third sector of the Dutch economy reflected the way in which agriculture was being modernized—horticulture.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations estimates that industrial shrimp production accounts for approximately 40 percent of shrimp worldwide.
The gas is produced as a byproduct of fertiliser use in agriculture and other industrial processes.
The geological signal will be clear from industrial-scale mining, damming, deforestation and agriculture, as well as the concentration of carbon in the atmosphere and nitrates in the oceans.
The rationalization of rural product industrial structure is a process of applying agriculture synthetically develop, utilizing resource rational, optimizing and adjusting the rural structure.
In policy areas such as flood protection, agriculture and coastal erosion Professor Bob Watson said the country should plan for the effects of a 4c global average rise on pre-industrial levels.
The industrial production value descended to one seventh of the value of 1913, and agriculture to one third.
Leaseholds for agriculture, commercial and industrial land is 30 years.
The importance of access to data has been brought into sharp relief in the Doha Round negotiations, particularly in the areas of industrial goods and agriculture.
Only few leading sectors, for example, cotton manufacture, expand rapidly and the development in the other industrial sectors was still slow, while the agriculture was yet the main productive sector.
In the construction of industrial control configurable software for greenhouse agriculture production detection and control process, design of real-time database system is introduced.
Now it has been widely used in military, industrial, agriculture, criminology, market investigation, census, medical research, and so on.
Nowadays great economic effect had been achieved in agriculture and industrial microbial breeding. But no application of ion beam had been reported in officinal plant breeding.
But it is just another vast urban agglomeration, made up of industrial sites, residential areas, commercial properties and industrialized agriculture facilities.
This paper deals with the adjustment and improvement of the industrial structure of agriculture in Jiangxi under WTO.
We should persuade the industrial departments to face the countryside and support agriculture.
The industrial structure of agriculture is the composing proportion of the each industry in agriculture.
In traditional society, the site has a very important position, before the human society entered the industrial society, is the most important part of agriculture.
In traditional society, the site has a very important position, before the human society entered the industrial society, is the most important part of agriculture.