They are ubiquitous, in small amounts, in industrialised nations.
It has been greeted with dismay not just in France but in many other industrialised nations.
With its torrid 6.1 percent first-quarter growth rate, it leads the field among industrialised nations.
Similar figures apply to the United States, Japan, France, Germany and most other industrialised nations.
Automobiles changed the world during the 20th century, particularly in the United States and other industrialised nations.
On Wednesday the G8 industrialised nations committed to cutting emissions by 80% by 2050, the first time the us, Canada and Russia had agreed to such an ambitious target.
Mr Fink's stature was confirmed when he was one of the fewexecutives invited to the recent finance ministers meeting of the Group of Seven leading industrialised nations.
Peter Balaram, project director of Apps, the NGO trying to help in Anantapur, says: "Climate change is everyone's responsibility, but especially that of the industrialised nations.
The warning from Opec, which controls about 40 per cent of global oil production, comes as the group of eight leading industrialised nations meets today with climate change at the top of their agenda.
The warning from Opec, which controls about 40 per cent of global oil production, comes as the group of eight leading industrialised nations meets today with climate change at the top of their agenda.