Although nuclear power may lead to disasters, the nuclear power industry has been operating safely for three decades in China.
India, too, has big plans to expand its nuclear-power industry.
Japanese industry, which has a leading position in nuclear power, got a shock when South Korea unexpectedly won a contract to supply four reactors to the United Arab Emirates last December.
On the negative side, the natural disaster has brutally exposed the failings of a nuclear power industry that many Japanese have for decades viewed with distrust.
Extra safety requirements could mean added expense in an industry where the up-front costs of building a nuclear power plant are already very high.
The nuclear power industry has developed methods to deal with minor contamination at plants, she said, “but scaling up those operations for something so large is going to be very costly.
Indeed, their whole energy industry-from subsidies for corn ethanol to limited liability for nuclear power-is a slick of preferences and restrictions, without peer.
But if we are concerned about industrial injuries, why do we say nothing about the deaths and injuries in the industry most likely to replace nuclear power?
Three workers at a uranium-processing plant in Tokaimura, then the center of the Japanese nuclear-power industry, improperly mixed a uranium solution. A blue flash heralded trouble.
The nuclear power industry will learn from this event, and redesign our facilities as needed to make them safer in the future.
It became a shareholder in Areva NP not just by contributing money, but by bringing Germany's entire nuclear-power industry to the venture.
For instance, weak regulation of the nuclear-power industry allowed old, ill-supervised reactors such as those at the Fukushima plant to remain in service.
You can add to the awe-inspiring engineering achievements of the offshore wind industry an unparalleled ability to make nuclear power look cheap.
The cooling problems at the Japanese plant raised fears of a repeat of 1979's Three Mile Island accident, the most serious in the history of the U.S. nuclear power industry.
The strongest opponents of nuclear power around the world, Ms Lauvergeon points out, are women; it may be that having a woman at the top of a largely male industry has helped.
The nuclear industry around the world probably will have to review how we set those assumptions in designing a nuclear power plant.
If the industry wants people to believe its assurances that nuclear power is safe, then now is not the time for obfuscation and weasel words, on any aspect of the technology.
The nuclear power industry has developed methods to deal with minor contamination at plants, she said, "but scaling up those operations for something so large is going to be very costly."
The U.S. nuclear power industry will generate roughly 70, 000 tons of high-level nuclear waste by 2015, according to Los Alamos. That includes about 550 tons of plutonium.
The shah's plans called for a "full-fledged nuclear power industry" with the capacity to produce 23, 000 megawatts of electricity.
The accident made Three Mile Island synonymous with the dangers of nuclear power and helped slow expansion of the U.S. nuclear industry.
Japan is to restrict senior industry regulators from taking jobs at power companies after criticism that the practice compromised safe ty and contributed to last month's nuclear accident.
The coal industry may be fighting new federal emissions standards, air-pollution regulations and even the idea of carbon pricing, but those things are all a boon for carbon-free nuclear power.
Typically, the costs (particularly the implied liability insurance costs) end up being borne by the tax payer or electricity consumer, not by the nuclear power industry.
Germany depends on nuclear power for 23% of its needs, and with Japan considering cutting back on its nuclear expansion plans, the entire industry has been in retreat.
Germany depends on nuclear power for 23% of its needs, and with Japan considering cutting back on its nuclear expansion plans, the entire industry has been in retreat.