The welfare system is grossly inequitable and inefficient.
This is inequitable to Keynesia.
It is inequitable in the world. That is bogus if some one saying dispassion.
It's inequitable because older homeowners often pay far less property tax than their younger neighbors.
It is urgent to solute the problems of farmers losing their land caused by inequitable compensation arrangements.
The educational inequity is the most inequitable in society. This already jeopardizes the fair baseline of society.
Some rich countries have large populations without access to care because of inequitable arrangements for social protection.
A sloppy control is inequitable, as large companies can find their way through the labyrinth of regulation fairly easily.
Many people will experience poverty, unemployment, and disillusion with what they will see as an inequitable global world.
The Inequitable Conduct 'Plague' in U. S. Patent Litigation: is it Over and is the CAFC Moving Away from an Absolute Liability Standard?
Inequitable health outcomes are largely due to socioeconomic factors, especially differences in the educational level of mothers or caregivers.
Tackle the inequitable distribution of power, money and resources - the structural drivers of those conditions - globally, nationally and locally.
For this, crown penannular jade ring thinks Baidu abuse market is controlled, undertake inequitable contest price is ranked, crossed a face with Baidu.
Under space of city limited, house resource in short situation, its distribution inevitably causes a variety of social conflict and inequitable problems.
Even if people believe that their outcome was inequitable and unfair, they are more likely to view justice as having been served if the process was fair.
China's dismal health care system for example, ranks according to the world health Organization, among the world's most inequitable, 188th out of 191 nations.
The Court held that the defendant's act infringed LV's trademark rights and the defendant also took advantage of the plaintiff products' reputation to harvest inequitable interests.
These global health initiatives have gathered knowledge along the way, and in so doing, they have shed light on a cause of much ill health in this world: weak and inequitable health systems.
But that is true for the whole of the tax system-indeed the treatment of non-doms may be less inequitable than, say, the varying treatment of depreciation or of married and unmarried couples.
Patent law also provides the following three unique mechanisms, not commonly known by Chinese companies, for competitors to invalidate or make a patent unenforceable. I . Inequitable Conduct.
Patent law also provides the following three unique mechanisms, not commonly known by Chinese companies, for competitors to invalidate or make a patent unenforceable. I . Inequitable Conduct.