Biomedical research will enable many individuals infected with HIV to live longer, more comfortable lives.
one in eight of the population infected with HIV/ AIDS;
An estimated 2.7 million people worldwide were newly infected with HIV in 2010.
33 million people are infected with HIV, and 14 million have died of AIDS worldwide.
A total of 1.6 million people died of TB, including 195 000 patients infected with HIV.
共有160万人死于结核,包括感染艾滋病毒的195 000名患者。
However, he cautions that for every person on treatment, another two become newly infected with HIV.
The nonfiction book is based on the life of a 17-year-old Latin American mother infected with HIV.
When a person is infected with HIV, the virus slowly begins to destroy that person's immune system.
Some 12% of the population, more than 5m people, are infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.
At nearly 76, he seems a little surprised to be alive himself, having been infected with HIV for decades.
But it does at least indicate that something may be done to help babies born to mothers infected with HIV.
South Africa, with some 5.7 million people infected with HIV, represents the world's largest AIDS epidemic.
We could stop transmission quickly, but it doesn't end the problem because people are infected with HIV for life.
They found the antibodies in the blood of some people whose bodies made them after they were infected with HIV.
There is a possibility of becoming infected with HIV if you share injecting equipment with someone who has the virus.
More than 600,000 people were estimated to be infected with HIV, about one-third of them expected to die from TB.
In 2006, WHO reported that only 1% of the total estimated number of people infected with HIV worldwide were screened for TB.
The number of people newly infected with HIV (the virus that causes the disease) in the past 12 months is estimated at 4.3m.
In 2006, there were an estimated 1.5 million deaths from TB in HIV-negative people and 0.2 million among people infected with HIV.
This is particularly true for babies whose mothers are infected with HIV, even when the virus is not passed from mother to child.
HIV can lead to disability, and people with disabilities have also been shown to be at higher risk of becoming infected with HIV.
During 1988 and 1993 in the US, an estimated 1000-2000 children became infected with HIV each year through mother-to-child transmission.
从1988年到1993年,在美国大约每年都有1000- 2000名儿童由于母婴传播感染HIV病毒。
A very small number of people - usually in a healthcare setting - have become infected with HIV as a result of blood splashes in the eye.
A very small number of people - usually in a healthcare setting - have become infected with HIV as a result of blood splashes in the eye.