He has neither an infirm mother, nor a whole troop of everlastingly hungry children to torment him.
These reports reached the village, of course, but people only half believed them, for the grandmother was infirm and old.
We should support for the aged and infirm.
That is why many among you are ill and infirm, and a considerable number are dying.
Those who huddled pitifully together on the left were the old, the infirm, the ill, the very young.
Those who huddled pitifully together on the left were the old, the infirm, the ill and the very young.
They let the paralysed walk and give careworkers extra strength to carry the old and infirm to a wheelchair.
Thus, in addition to the old and infirm by Wolf predation, other deer body growing, number is rapidly growing.
When granny has become so infirm that she can no longer make a cup of tea, she may be nudged into a care home.
They give their energy, their skill, and their commitment to working with the sick, the infirm, and the elderly.
A place for the care of the infirm, sick, or injured, especially a small hospital or dispensary in an institution.
The infirm ability to develop domestic market for nc machine tool is the important reason of lower market occupancy.
You can have as many paper-remedies you like in Britain - try exercising them if you are poor, unemployed, old, sick or infirm!
As is vividly depicted in the cartoon, four children are playing a "football match" and the "ball" is their old and infirm father.
As the Master grew old and infirm, the disciples begged him not to die. Said the Master, "If I did not go, how would you ever see"?
I was on the coffee rota after mass (which added an extra half hour or more to the misery) and the car rota to ferry the old and infirm.
The experimental results indicate that the viability and precision may be achieved by this sensor in measuring the infirm magnetic field.
Never ignore the poor, infirm, helpless, weak, or suffering. Offer your assistance when possible, and always your kindness and understanding.
Never ignore the poor, infirm, helpless, weak, or suffering. Offer your assistance when possible, and always your kindness and understanding.
Our PINNACLE - PORTABLE is responsible for moving a very precious resource - our elderly and infirm; don't settle for anything less than the best.
Correlate information from your documents in order to further confirm or infirm your hunches and isolate things down to the only possible solution.
The entire population, including the young, the old, and the infirm, might enjoy a higher level of mobility without requiring advanced driving skills.
Bell ringing, as a signal of non language communication, was especially prepared for the senile and infirm patients, with a satisfaction rate of 97.37%.
Some examples of people who might be granted an absentee ballot are those serving in the armed forces the infirm the elderly and citizens living overseas.
We discussed the stability of both radial movement and axis movement of charged particle in infirm focusing magnetic field and obtained the term of stability.
We discussed the stability of both radial movement and axis movement of charged particle in infirm focusing magnetic field and obtained the term of stability.