In the euro zone underlying inflation and wage growth are both subdued and inflation expectations are under control.
That recession was, in effect, a deliberate creation of the Federal Reserve, which raised interest rates to as much as 17 percent in an effort to control runaway inflation.
But an immediate upset is still unlikely: inflation is not yet out of control, still far below the 27.7% it reached in 1994.
Instead, they are trying to control inflation by raising interest rates and restricting credit.
Experts say the tariff cut and the oil release will help reduce energy costs for the economy and help control inflation.
Inflationary pressures could send prices out of control in South Korea, with a target inflation of 4% for the year.
Inflationary pressures could send prices out of control in South Korea with a target inflation of 4% for the year.
To get inflation back under control there is a case for redefining the role of the bank to focus on primarily on price stability.
Much of today's inflation stems from temporary influences beyond its control: a surge in energy and food prices, increases in VAT, a consumption tax and the delayed effects of a weaker pound.
And he promised new cost controls that could scale back his plan if health-care inflation isn't brought under control.
That was the mistake made in the 1970s, when officials deluded themselves that inflation was under control by excluding ever more prices from their indices.
Unlike previous expansions, inflation remained more or less under control.
Mr King says it is all down to "rules of thumb" concerning the likely level of inflation. "it is easier to control inflation if the public has the same rule of thumb as the central bank."
Inflation expectations soar and the central bank loses control of prices.
Without doubt, the United States is exhibiting some of the classic precursors to out-of-control inflation.
Ms Rousseff has promised to do "whatever it takes" to control inflation.
You now have inflation somewhat out of control, and causing some serious danger of wage-price inflation.
The worry that euro-zone countries such as Spain may suffer prolonged slumps because they lost control of unit wage costs lends the inflation test some weight, though not much.
We have yet to see whether Central Banks can handle the recovery without letting inflation get out of control.
And in the case of rapidly expanding emerging economies, the moderation can be seen as a positive in the effort to get inflation, the main economic bugaboo, under control.
The risk is that inflation could prove trickier than expected to control, especially if expectations of higher prices become entrenched in society.
But without an assessment of the monetary implications of public debt, we cannot know how far inflation is likely to remain under control.
It is popularly argued that the tameness of the downturn was the benign result of the American economy's increased flexibility, better inventory control and the Fed's firmer grip on inflation.
If so, then you can understand why it is essential that inflation be controlled. If it isn't, soon it gets out of control.
Instead of seeking to control inflation indirectly, central Banks aim expressly at price stability.
Moreover, with the possibility that the Fed could raise interest rates to control inflation -- which it may do if wages start to rise -- bonds are a bubble poised to pop.
Once inflation gets out of control it will be harder to wring out of the system.
Once inflation gets out of control it will be harder to wring out of the system.