Rising levels of bad debt inflict damage on lenders' balance sheets.
Cast on an armor equipped target, it will inflict damage on the target at the start of each turn.
Lethal force is something that we would try to avoid at all costs, "he explained. We are here to help the people of Louisiana, not to inflict damage on them."
A new study by researchers at Yale and Middlebury College brings together data from a variety of sources to put a dollar value on the environmental damage various industries inflict.
Such “drilling”, however, may require numerous warplanes and inflict great damage on the surrounding area.
Players launch the birds from a slingshot-like mechanism, adjusting the tension and trajectory to inflict maximum damage on the pigs and their ramshackle quarters.
Not all Sherman's designs are so cute and cuddly. This gorgeous take on the tattoo gun, for example, looks able to inflict serious damage.
The good news, doctors say, is that by taking steps to reduce risk factors and the damage they inflict on arteries, it is possible to turn back the clock on vascular age.
A common theory holds that Abu Dhabi first refused to bail out Nakheel's bondholders, then relented when it saw the damage that default would inflict on Dubai's economy and its own.
The us election has put a fifth category of risks on the radar: cyber attacks that aim to inflict psychological damage by shattering public trust.
Such "drilling", however, may require numerous warplanes and inflict great damage on the surrounding area.
The damage you inflict on enemies doesn't change even if your HP is running low.
With their light cannons, the damage they could inflict on larger warships was minimal.
You'll never recover from the damage you inflict on an employee's self-esteem.
Folks with uncontrolled anger can inflict heavy damage on people and organizations.
Apart from a couple of harmless explosions as the Tour DE France cycling race passed through the Navarre region, ETA has been unable to inflict much damage since it took up arms again on June 6th.
Apart from a couple of harmless explosions as the Tour DE France cycling race passed through the Navarre region, ETA has been unable to inflict much damage since it took up arms again on June 6th.