We are researching on corporate impact and influence of social media worldwide. We provide tips how to act and inform about social media developments all around the globe.
Maintain good working relations with Housekeeping; promptly inform about early departures, early arrivals, extended stays, late check-outs, room-moves, special requests etc.
But what I am thinking is actually "I don't have any idea", I would like to inform about the time I'm coming back without any hesitation, but I have no idea about when I can leave.
Then you must not hesitate in communicating the cause of delay to the concerned and also inform about the revised date, when the chances of the remaining job completion are almost 100%.
If you have a complaint about your holiday, please inform us in writing.
You yourself may be asked to do a presentation at college or work to inform the others about an area of vital importance.
We simply want to inform people objectively about events.
The other's portrayal of Muir's life is a testimony to what it means to be lifelong learners and to use that learning to inform and bring about change.
In a region today divided by languages and borders, archaeologists had a duty to inform the general public about their common cultural heritage.
In this article, I delve into the problem, show you some techniques for handling comparisons, and generally inform you about XML equivalency.
It can be used to inform the user about the successful application of a completion proposal.
The assumed use case is to have custom text maintained by the IT Department to show in the Login screen to inform the user about maintenance downtimes or other important information.
You can always instruct the end-users to strengthen their passwords and inform them about the password policy.
Even though I did not escape Kaechon expressly to inform the world about such conditions, I feel that I cannot keep silent.
Federal climate scientists are teaming up with horticulturalists to inform the public about the potential effects of climate change on gardens.
Food sellers deciding how to inform consumers about nutritional quality is a classic case of the fox guarding the hen house, and results in feather-flying fiascos like Smart Choices.
They inform webpage consumers a little bit about your intentions for your content.
At best, changing your status is an indelicate way to inform friends about a delicate matter.
They do, however, inform IBM about who has successfully gained the certification.
You can use standard Web programming techniques to inform users about special tasks and events.
In particular, Prometric does not inform examinees' organizations about whether they have passed or failed the test.
If a portlet wants to use a business component, it can inform CAI about this by providing a preference with the name com.ibm.portal.bc.ref.
如果一个portlet想要使用一个业务组件,它可以通过提供一个名为com . ibm . portal . bc . ref的首选项通知CAI。
Wireless extensions is the name of a generic API that allows a driver to inform the user about space configuration and statistics specific to common wireless LANs.
Wireless extensions is the name of a generic API that allows a driver to inform the user about space configuration and statistics specific to common wireless LANs.