"We had assumed that the biggest focus of these devices would be consuming the content," said Tracy Futhey, vice president for information technology and chief information officer at Duke.
Nowadays, information is being carried on the Internet, but the content remains the same.
That is, there is a common set of ways to open, extract, manipulate, and save the information content of these diverse and abstract entities.
In the Hamlet example, the comparison is not entirely fair because the actual information content of the text version is also diminished.
A canonical data model provides a common format for the information content of the messages of the individual services.
This led him to calculate that the information content of any event was proportional to the logarithm of its inverse probability of occurrence.
It's not necessarily a disaster, but it feels as if we should be able to compress down to the true information content.
Identify valuable content — Locate and evaluate the value of particular information content with regard to long-term storage.
Publish — Let end users search, navigate, and view information content.
Syntactically, SVG is indeed XML, but a significant portion of the information content of an SVG drawing is contained within comma - and space-delimited data inside SVG attributes.
We seem to think that we have a natural instinct for coming up with surefire entrepreneurial concepts that involve the organization and distribution of any type of information content.
In trying to record the brain's electrical activity off the scalp, he adds, "people assumed that the signal-to-noise ratio and the information content of these signals were limited."
When I mention information content, I am not speaking of XML Infoset, but only of the more informal concept of What does it contain?
Note that the information content available through your IBM Support Assistant workbench is limited to the set of product add-ons that you have installed.
In the center content area of the Support overview page in Figure 3, sections of information (content) are organized into categories such as Featured links, Flashes and alerts, and Product news.
在图3 所示的Supportoverview页的中间内容区域,信息(内容)被分成不同的类别,比如Featuredlinks、Flashesand alerts和 Product news。
These sessions had excellent information content which would be valuable to anyone wishing to get started in – or already engaged in – software development on these platforms.
But as they say, everyone gets only the same 24 hours in a day, so it's little wonder that the lower-information-content syllables have to come at a faster rate.
He discovered that a black hole's entropy - which is synonymous with its information content - is proportional to the surface area of its event horizon.
You are free to post or publish copy pictures from other sites and information content, but the content must be in the public domain, or you have the right to use the content.
The objective of automatic modulation identification is to decide the modulation type and estimate the modulation parameters without any priori knowledge about the signal information content.
After explaining the basic principle of Signaling Theory, this article tests the information content of two kinds of dividends by regression analysis.
Past research focuses on the information content of accounting earnings and cash flow or the information content and prediction ability of stock returns, cash flow and accruals.
Speech and language difficulties fall into two main types: sufferers can develop problems with grammar and pronunciation or have semantic dementia where they lose the information content of language.
So, under different ownership structures, the information content of accounting earnings is different.
Therefore, it is urgent to solve the problem of how to prevent illegal access, copy and transmission in the field of information content security.
In many applications, it is required to monitor the activities of these signals, identify their characteristics, even to intercept the signal information content.
The information content means the relation between accounting earnings and the stock return.
The information content and the covered region of digital libraries are unprecedented.
This paper introduced relevant information content that use and set up electronic screen and issues with the library of the electronic screen, etc.
This paper introduced relevant information content that use and set up electronic screen and issues with the library of the electronic screen, etc.