The information asymmetry theory is the core content of contemporary information economics and widely applied.
This paper introduces the basic content of information asymmetry theory and comments on the theory of information asymmetries.
Dealing charge theory of modern western economics, information asymmetry theory, and gaming theory provided fine theoretical explanation for the generation of credit.
This paper explains the effects of externality, information asymmetry theory, demand hierarchy theory and different standard theory in forming the SPS measures and its possible solutions.
According to the information asymmetry theory, major shareholders have the motivation to against the interests of small and medium-sized shareholders and obtain earnings by using control.
The existence of information asymmetry gives rise to problems such as moral hazard, and adverse selection, studied in contract theory.
According to the theory of principal-agent, the shareholder should supervise the behavior of the manager in order to reduce the moral risk came from the asymmetry of information.
The paper combines these factors and introduces information asymmetry into the model to analyze the security price formation mechanism using Game Theory under market maker environment.
Based on asymmetric information theory, this text puts forward the countermeasures of reducing the problems of insurance information asymmetry.
Secondly the theoretical foundation of this paper was explained, i. e. the theory of information asymmetry.
In the latter half part, the paper research on the hospital patient relationship management under asymmetry information by using customer relationship management theory.
Typically, there are agency cost hypothesis, information asymmetry hypotheses, tax hypotheses, maturity matching theory and floatation cost hypothesis.
The theory is based on uncertainty and information asymmetry that exit extensively in economic activity.
The origin of weak Information Capability can be explained by asymmetry theory.
According to the game theory and the theory of information Economics, Chapter 4 explores the asymmetry information and game characteristics of property right transaction pricing of enterprises.
According to the game theory and the theory of information Economics, Chapter 4 explores the asymmetry information and game characteristics of property right transaction pricing of enterprises.