A smile, frown, raised an eyebrow, yawn, and sneer all convey information.
I want to convey the information to everyone that reading is one of the greatest fun in life.
Your response is scored on your ability to speak clearly and coherently, and on your ability to accurately convey information about the text and the transcript.
This sleek design allows single sounds to convey useful information, and in fact, even the absence of a sound has been enlisted to express something specific.
It does not convey any information about the underlying problem.
This poses a puzzle, because Hawking radiation does not convey any information about the interior of a black hole.
The important thing to note, however, is that none of the comments has anything to do with what the page should do and the basic information it will convey.
Print designers have been using graphics to convey complex information for years.
It relies on an intact eyeball, an intact retina with functioning bipolar cells, and an optic nerve to convey the information to the brain.
Although these techniques provide an excellent means to describe system behavior, they cannot convey adequate information on real users' environments and interface needs.
A smile, frown, raised eyebrow, yawn, and sneer all convey information.
They have shown that even a still photograph can convey a lot of information about competence-and that it can do so in a way which suggests the assessments of all those senior managers were poppycock.
As you can see, the tables display identical data, but convey very different information to the human observer.
While birdsong has long been known to share similarities with human language, the ability to convey different bits of information by simply rearranging word order was thought to be exclusively human.
The images, formatting, and styling can convey information more effectively than unformatted text.
Seismograms convey detailed information about the characteristics of the interior of the Earth and seafloors, and an analysis of the data helps in detecting oil and other resources.
It has to convey the knowledge of that one specific piece of information without directly overlapping with information in other topic-based chunks.
They are intended to convey information about the program to other programmers.
Unfortunately, error messages that attempt to convey such information are often puzzling, composed of incomplete sentences and a few cryptic codes.
Sometimes the structure defined by an XML schema is not sufficient to convey specific requirements, such as an information system at a local institution.
Services are frequently invoked by end-user-facing applications that need to convey error information to the end user.
Barcodes are specialist images that are designed to convey information cleanly and clearly with attention to error checking.
Not only do books, magazines and newspapers convey written information, but so do street signs, billboards, shop signs and even graffiti.
Journalism professor Wendell Cochran of American University says the Internet, with its capacity to instantaneously convey information around the world, is an extraordinary platform for entrepreneurs.
If you use these elements strategically to help convey something to the reader, you might want to look for some other way to present your information.
Indeed, the nerves from the taste buds meet in a part of the brain called the amygdala with nerves that convey information on the softness of food.
Notice that in this example I use annotations to provide information that's important to understanding the semantics of the schema, whereas I use the comment to convey incidental information.
Those high-frequency sounds convey a surprising amount of information, says Dr Brian Monson, from the University of Utah, Salt Lake City.
The researchers knew that mouse tears contain pheromones that convey information to other mice.
Build sidebars and panes of text that are revealed at just the right time, but convey more information than you'd usually provide.