Next, the author introduced forecasting information disclosure system.
Chapter 2 analyzed the theory basis of forecasting information disclosure system.
Fourthly, to improve the information disclosure system, strengthen market supervision functionality.
The information disclosure system lays a macro policy and law framework for the stock news propagation.
Third, establish the sudden environmental incidents of information disclosure system as soon as possible.
The article is composed of five chapters: chapter 1 introduced basic concepts of forecasting information disclosure system.
It is quite different between traditional securities information disclosure system and information disclosure system on ABS.
So far, " voluntary disclosure of business information " has been brought into the information disclosure system of our country.
As the main body of information disclosure, information disclosure of listed companies stock market is the core content of information disclosure system.
The fourth chapter is demonstrative analysis of the current and existing problems of accounting information disclosure system of Chinese commercial banks.
Through content analysis reflects the capital market problems, and reveal the errors of information disclosure system and the limitations of financial media.
Accounting information disclosure system, which embodied the principle of transparence, is always regarded as an essential regulatory method on stock market.
Chapter 4: the mechanism of monitor and remedy for manager compensation, including information disclosure system and the derivative action of the shareholder.
To promote the information disclosure, the state-owned commercial Banks must obey some principles to realize limited information disclosure system step by step.
The author hopes to offer instructive reference for establishing and consummating Chinese listing companies' environmental accounting information disclosure system.
The fourth chapter is based on the above-mentioned study, put forward a sound information disclosure system and the regulatory mechanism of the recommendations and strategies.
And a sound information disclosure system in place will help create the image of a listed company that matches the asset scale and market position of state-owned commercial Banks.
The last part of the article provide some advice to improve information disclosure system in accordance with the current situation and problems in the proposed open-end fund in China.
The information disclosure system is the core content of the regulatory system in securities market, and accounting information disclosure is the core of information disclosure system.
The paper further investigates our extant problem of accounting information disclosure system of listed company such as inadequate, lack of timeliness, usefulness poor decision-making etc.
The information disclosure system is the fundamental basis of the securities markets, thus misrepresentation is deemed to be issuer's serious violation of information disclosure obligation.
The normative company management structure, perfect information disclosure system and powerful stock supervision system are the legal situations for prevention and control of inside dealings.
In carrying out MBO trust, we shall strictly stick to the value evaluation criteria of MBO and pay attention to the relevant systems, especially the perfection of information disclosure system.
The case of false information disclosure emerged frequently in the recently years. People lose the faith in the credit of the security market and the information disclosure system in some degree.
So to make recommendations: in China, the list companies must improve the information disclosure system of audit committee, and put it into effect, and regulate the content of information disclosure.
So to make recommendations: in China, the list companies must improve the information disclosure system of audit committee, and put it into effect, and regulate the content of information disclosure.