Interact with customers to provide and process information in response to inquiries, concerns and requests about products and services.
Network interfaces, routers and bridges, server computers, rack systems, and blades may be regularly polled to return status information in response to SNMP Get requests.
For instance, a policy that receives a SOAP request validates security information in the SOAP header to validate that a user may receive previously cached response data.
These tools collect much information to help you determine whether your system is in good performance shape, including data on request response times, processor utilization, and more.
This response is the original request to which the Entry Point now added the information deducted from it's environment in the same encrypted field.
In these cases, it is necessary to store additional information about the request message so it can be seen by the response mediation.
The GIG evolved in response to the need for an environment in which users can access, share, collect, process, store, disseminate, and manage information on demand from any location in the grid.
GIG evolved in response to the need for an environment in which users can access, share, collect, process, store, disseminate, and manage information on demand from any location in the grid.
You will add data to the information database over time from internal sources such as interviews, articles, and news flashes, and in response to commonly asked questions or problems.
A large amount of user information defined in a single LDAP server can cause the response time to increase and the overall system may slow down.
Processing a text file often consists of sequentially reading a unit of information (typically either a character or a line) and doing something in response to the unit you've just read.
A briefing on the project has been released in response to requests under freedom of information law.
In this pattern, the client (the application) sends information to the web service and does not wait for a response.
We can avoid the need for conversational state by designing the service to include suitable correlation information in the response, such as the following.
At this point, you will need to generate three Server Certification Files, which will be created based on the information you provide in response to five questions.
Note: Steps to generate a response file are also outlined in the Installation Manager Information center, available online at.
Bank experts to provide satellite imagery analysis similar to information provided in Haiti earthquake response.
A catalog request template, this request template allows the user to specify what (disconnected) sub set of the catalog information graph is required in the response.
The Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) has released more than 80 emails sent in the weeks after Fukushima in response to requests under freedom of information legislation. They also show
Profile options are already being changed in response to popular requests; a new section of contact information that you can expose only to selected groups of people has just been added, for example.
So you have to look for this information in the previous response data generated from the login.
Then, use the response information to set hidden inputs in the form before you submit it to the server.
This allows them to worry about more important things like what the information is telling them and (in the case of emergency response organizations) how they might need to respond.
For more information about how to record a response file in IBM Installation Manager, see Recording a response file with Installation Manager.
The flip side is that, in contrast to normal page requests, the portal does not provide any default header information for the response; all information must be explicitly set during resource serving.
These requirements can be in response to regulations or rules restrict the movement or replication of data, e.g. subscription data or the commingling of personal information from different countries.
The additional information need to correlate request and response in the HTTPR asynchronous (or pseudo-synchronous) environment is put into the HTTPR message context header.
The additional information need to correlate request and response in the HTTPR asynchronous (or pseudo-synchronous) environment is put into the HTTPR message context header.