Autism affects information processing in the brain.
Information processing model: contexts and descriptions.
FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) 140-2 encryption.
Federal Information Processing (FIPS) 140-2 approved data encryption.
联邦信息处理(FIPS) 140-2许可的数据加密。
VM Pipeline - to provide a configurable structure for modularized information processing.
Use of FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) 140-2 encryption certified algorithms
FIPS (联邦信息处理标准) 140-2加密认证规则的使用
Symptoms of autism are first noticed in early childhood as an information processing disorder.
The technology of communication and information processing will be widely applied in prospect.
At Worcester Polytechnic Institute we have a course called Social Implications of Information Processing.
Gray matter represents information processing centers in the brain, and white matter links the centers together.
"Our review of imaging studies identifies the stations along the routes intelligence information processing takes," Haier said.
Indeed, at the core of brain research is the desire to fathom what happens when memory fails and information processing goes awry.
The work is associated with DARPA’s Information Processing Techniques Office’s broad research agenda related to cognitive systems.
They also surface information processing capabilities such as the results of analytical and scoring algorithms, data cleansing rules, etc.
It had no significant effect in either smokers or nonsmokers on spatial working memory, information processing speed, or sustained attention.
The researchers say there may be a hidden cost, and that someone might excel at multi-tasking at the expense of other information processing.
In other words, our sense of time isn't just a perceptual illusion, but instead seems to regulate the pace of information processing in the brain.
The membership of the consortium represents a broad spectrum of corporations and organizations in the computer and information processing industry.
NetKernel's logical model is focused on information processing and is cleanly separated from the physical level of objects and APIs by a microkernel.
XML has become ubiquitous in information processing, finding its way into everything from traditional publishing to business transactions to Twitter.
Rational ClearQuest 7.1 supports enhanced security by using Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-2 approved data encryption algorithms.
RationalClearQuest 7.1通过使用联邦信息处理(FIPS) 140-2许可的数据加密规则,支持改善的安全性能。
For example, the first phase of the in pipe is the TransportIn phase and all of the handlers which does transport information processing can be there.
The focus was on electronically validating Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 201 interoperable credentials issued from multiple jurisdictions.
焦点是由多个管辖机构发布的、符合联邦信息处理标准(FIPS) 201电子认证的、可互操作的全权证书。
When MTI's Carlo Miceli began to work on his own control, he started with a fresh approach to PC machine language logic and efficient information processing.
If you look at information processing in the same way, you begin to see the vast range of objects into which logic, processors, or actuators could be embedded.
Gray matter represents information processing centers in the brain, and white matter represents the networking of-or connections between-these processing centers.
To integrate the information processing environment with the business process automation environment, you can use the IBM InfoSphere Information Services Director.
要将信息处理环境与业务流程自动化环境集成,您可以使用IBMInfoSphere Information Services Director。
The computers of tomorrow could be quantum not classical, using the quantum world's strange properties to vastly increase memory and speed up information processing.
Raluca Budiu, who is a post-doc working in our group, has conducted some very interesting research with us on how tagging appears to affect human information processing.
Raluca Budiu, who is a post-doc working in our group, has conducted some very interesting research with us on how tagging appears to affect human information processing.