Many of them were young people working with computers and information technology. It was as if they were rediscovering the pleasure of direct experience, of going around writing things down by hand.
Your information technology (IT) reflexes must be quick enough to transform elements of your design based on the information you retrieve.
The model's aim is to increase the effectiveness of information technology (IT) organizations to deliver software products or projects by making the software process more predictable and repeatable.
Second, there is a broad industry realization that departmental information technology (IT) systems are not islands and must be better aligned to business value.
In general, in the information technology (it) industry a role is associated with the kind of job responsibility that the person holds in the lifecycle of building new software.
Fundamentally, SOA is about improving business results by enhancing the working relationship between the business and information technology (IT).
This means that you must align your information technology (it) objectives with the objectives of the organization if you want to achieve full performance for your design.
Information technology (IT) governance has assumed a prevalent spot in technical and management publications.
These techniques typically involve looking at enterprise architecture information technology (it) design as a technical strategy overlaid on business strategies.
Generally, developers don't expect the mobile cloud to be free from security threats any more than they expect that of any other information technology (it) model used to support business.
And their information technology (IT) and systems organizations must address the technical challenges of integrating new technologies, operating systems and distributed development environments.
In an ideal world, all information technology (IT) assets would be free for use by anyone, anytime, anywhere.
在理想的情况下,所有信息技术(Information Technology,IT)资产将供任何人在任何时间任何地点自由使用。
Don describes SOA as an information technology (IT) equivalent to managing a large, diverse workforce. He says.
The scope of the Alliant contract includes components of an integrated information technology (IT) solution.
This tutorial is the seventh (and final) installment in a series that describes the IBM AIDE toolkit and its use in the increasingly crucial area of information technology (it) management.
本系列教程描述IBMAIDE工具包及其在越来越重要的信息技术(Information Technology,IT)管理领域中的使用,本教程是其中的第7部分(最后一部分)。
Projects vied to get computer time, and the earliest information technology (IT) managers worked to keep systems busy 24 hours per day, seven days per week.
不同的项目之间必须竞争才能获得机时,而最早的信息技术 (IT)管理人员的任务是保持系统每天24小时、每个星期7天不间断地进行工作。
However, SOA increases the level of cooperation and coordination required between business and information technology (IT), as well as among IT departments and teams.
不过,soa会提高业务和信息技术(Information Technology,IT)以及IT部门和各个团队间所需的合作和协调级别。
Although there is no "correct" answer, but in my experience most, if not all, SOA projects are led by information technology (it) departments, discussions tend to begin with technology.
尽管这个问题并没有“正确”答案,但就我个人的经验而言,大部分(如果不是全部的话)SOA项目都是由信息技术(Information Technology,IT)部门牵头进行的,通常会首先讨论技术方面的内容。
But look out, there's more coming in the near future for many other Information Technology (IT) domains!
If there is one area of Information Technology (it) where this synergy has significant payoffs, it's in the area of database applications.
Testing the information technology (it) architecture is all-inclusive.
Broadband is also the basis for local information technology (it) and IT-enabled services (ITES) industries, which generate new job opportunities, especially for youth and women.
In the last few years, Information Technology (IT) has embarked on a new paradigm - cloud computing.
SAP made it into the top league of the information-technology (IT) industry, which is dominated by American firms, not least because of Mr Hopp’s management skills.
The rapid development of information technology (IT) had the impacts and challenges on the survival of traditional library.
No other information technology (it) company could boast such a collection and also claim to have built each of the items on display.
The world information technology (IT) and electronics market was at 1.2 trillion dollars in 2000, making it the largest industries.
With fast development of information technology, it appears more and more important in using resource of computing and storage, managing and using data resource effectively.
Despite occasional efforts on the part of the world's more static societies to try to control the use of information technology, it has blossomed in recent years.
Despite occasional efforts on the part of the world's more static societies to try to control the use of information technology, it has blossomed in recent years.