Take advanced information technology and management process as a method to promote the efficiency maximum.
In virtue of modern information technology and management theory, establish the cash registration management info system is imperative.
Through the use of modern information technology and management theory, supermarket cashier management information systems is imperative.
Graduates are expected to develop a sharp critical thinking and problem solving skills along with the knowledge of latest information technology and management.
Based on several of advanced information technology and management technology, XRP solution including function modeling rule and system architecture has been suggested.
SOA borrows concepts such as Policy, service Level Agreement and Quality of service from other aspects of Information Technology such as network management and managing it infrastructure.
SOA imparts extended requirements across development, deployment, and management of information technology solutions.
These words were spoken before the arrival of the DNA model, before digital technology, before departments of information management systems, and before complexity theory.
Information technology (IT) governance has assumed a prevalent spot in technical and management publications.
User experience isn't even about technology, says Mario Bourque, manager of information architecture and content management at Trapeze Group.
用户体验和技术无关,Mario Bour que说,他是Trapeze组的信息架构和内容管理的经理。
And specifically what it is, it's an information management technology for simplifying the interaction of data and content by information mashups.
Ken holds a bachelor's degree in computer and information science and a master's degree in technology management from the University of Maryland.
Notable star: Igenix, UnitedHealth's data management and information technology unit, whose revenues increased more than 25%.
Along with information technology in management more and more thorough and widespread application, the management information system the implementation to be gradually mature in the technology.
With more and more widespread and profound application of information technology in management, the implement of management information system has become mature in technology step by step.
This paper researches application and modeling methods of the Object - Oriented Technology in the Management Information System.
This paper analyzed information flow of production management, information flow of technology preparation and basic configuration of machining equipment in miniature bearing production.
In addition, analyze the application of information and technology in accounts receivable management and credit appraisal.
Has proposed the solution of the management information system in campus based on the smart card and fingerprint recognition technology.
The dynamic load balance technology has been actually applied in the storage management information system of digital gas fields and obtains good effect.
Supply chain management is a cross-functional intra-enterprise system that uses information technology to help support and manage producing its products or services.
This tutorial is the seventh (and final) installment in a series that describes the IBM AIDE toolkit and its use in the increasingly crucial area of information technology (it) management.
本系列教程描述IBMAIDE工具包及其在越来越重要的信息技术(Information Technology,IT)管理领域中的使用,本教程是其中的第7部分(最后一部分)。
The information security guarantee system framework can be divided into the security management framework and the security technology framework.
This paper's aim is to combine computer technology for information management with IC fabrication and to study the design method of computer-aided management system of IC fabrication.
It described the characteristics of an ideal information management system, and detailed how the data federation technology in WebSphere information Integrator can be used to build such a system.
文中描述了一个理想的信息管理系统应具备的特征,并详细介绍了如何使用WebSphereInformation Integrator中的数据联邦技术来构建那样的系统。
This paper introduces the smart card and fingerprint recognition technology, Synthesizes the application and the characteristics of the smart CARDS in the information management in the campus.
Finally, the roles of information technology in the process of knowledge management and that of HRM and culture - the human element of knowledge - are presented.
Finally, the roles of information technology in the process of knowledge management and that of HRM and culture - the human element of knowledge - are presented.