Provine realized that the reason chimps cannot emit a string of "ho ho ho" is that they cannot make more than a single sound when they exhale or inhale.
Generally, you exhale on the effort, if doing weights, karate or boxing, and inhale on the return.
For someone inclined to "inhale the raw material of life and exhale a comedy routine or a story", playwriting was a natural refuge.
Instead of plowing through your meals, pace yourself using this soothing breathing technique before you start to eat: Inhale deeply through your nose, then exhale slowly.
Slowly inhale and exhale, extending your spine, for 2 to 3 minutes.
With each inhale bring in warmth, with each exhale release, surrender, let go of your day.
Starting with the top of your head, inhale and then exhale while visualizing your scalp muscles relaxing.
With arms bent by your side, exhale and rotate your torso to the right. Inhale back to the center and twist to the left.
To get the diaphragm to contract in rhythm with your steps, try to inhale and exhale as you land on your left foot.
Inhale deeply into your nose and exhale through your mouth three times; this pushes out toxins.
Inhale for three seconds, then smoothly exhale for three more.
Monkeys can't control their inhale and exhale the way we can - they can only make short sounds a few seconds long before they have to take another breath.
Inhale, then slowly exhale, bending arms and lowering the towel down behind your head.
Inhale, light descending to the heart... exhale, release... Feel yourself expanding with that light.
The etheric body and light body of the plant kingdom inhales oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide while humans and mammals inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen in the nonphysical.
Fred: You mean I should shrink my belly while I inhale oxygen, and extend it while exhale. Am I right?
With each inhale and exhale, nonphysical and physical align to bring about physical evolution in syncopation with nonphysical evolution.
In a sense, soil can be considered to "inhale and exhale" continuously.
Humans along with other mammals and birds then inhale the oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide in the physical creating a symbiotic relationship where one supports the other in the continued existence.
By using the diaphragm - the muscle that inflates and deflates the lungs - you inhale and exhale more efficiently.
Right palm on left knee and left palm back, with exhale, turn back with inhale, looking front, same practice with another side.
When the drowning people's mouths are above the surface, they exhale and inhale quickly as their mouths start to sink below the surface of the water.
o Shut your eyes for two whole breaths, inhale and exhale deeply and slowly
Inhale deeply through your nose, then exhale quickly and forcibly, also through your nose (or pursed lips).
Humans laugh mainly when we exhale, but Bonobos, on the other hand, laugh when they both inhale and exhale, creating a non-stop laugh.
The mouths of drowning people are not above the surface of the water long enough for them to exhale, inhale, and call out for help.
A large, on-screen circle that expanded and contracted illustrated when I should inhale and exhale as I held positions.
Next time you're running or doing something aerobic in the gym try holding your breath for 3 seconds and then suddenly inhale and exhale before holding it again - how much harder does this make it?
Next time you're running or doing something aerobic in the gym try holding your breath for 3 seconds and then suddenly inhale and exhale before holding it again - how much harder does this make it?