Since the well-differentiated matrix cells don't have the inhibitory effect on tumor cell growth, we predicted that some innate features of stem cells contribute to this effect of AFMSC.
Objective to explore the co operative inhibitory effect of antisense VEGF gene and endostatin gene transfection on tumor angiogenesis, tumor growth and metastasis of lung cancer.
All the results above shows that EDF has an inhibitory effect on the proliferation of tumor cells and the effect is cell type dependent as well as dose-dependent.
Conclusion Preoperative regional artery chemotherapy has inhibitory effect on the growth of GC mainly by means of causing the necrosis of tumor cell and inducing the apoptosis of tumor cells.
METHODS Based on cell culture model in vitro, MTT test was used to study the inhibitory effect of curcumin derivatives on tumor cell lines.
The inhibitory effect of polysaccharide on tumor cells proliferation was assayed by MTT method.
Conclusion: astringent therapy herbs has an inhibitory effect on the metastasis of H22 tumor.
Objective To study the inhibitory effect of isorhmnetin on human lung tumor YTLMC-90 cells and to elucidate its molecular mechanisms.
METHODS the inhibitory effect of DP on tumor growth was observed in the mice models with implanted sarcoma 180 (S180). Internal organ index change was analyzed in tumor-bearing mouse.
METHODS the inhibitory effect of DP on tumor growth was observed in the mice models with implanted sarcoma 180 (S180). Internal organ index change was analyzed in tumor-bearing mouse.