Meanwhile the initial strain rate and strain temperature affect the austenite grain size and distribution of precipitation phase.
According to the simulation results, we studied the effect of the process parameters, including the deformation temperature, initial strain rate and stroke, on the load, equivalent st...
The effect of relative compaction, initial moisture content of specimens and strain rate was investigated.
The higher initial strain hardening rate and higher strength of dual phase are attributed to rapid strain hardening in ferrite and the load transfer from the ferrite to martensite.
The fracture strain energy density at the high strain rate is mainly determined by the initial elastic modulus and the unstable strain and affected by the temperature and the strain rate.
The effect of relative compaction, initial moisture content of specimens, strain rate, consolidation ratio and reconstitution of specimens and drainage condition are investigated.
对试样的相对压实度、初始含水量、应变速率、固结比、试样的重塑、排水条件因素等对稳定状态的影响进行了试验研究 。
Factors that can affect quartz CPO include temperature, strain rate, strain, differential stress, content of water, interaction among minerals in polymineralic rocks, and initial orientation.
Factors that can affect quartz CPO include temperature, strain rate, strain, differential stress, content of water, interaction among minerals in polymineralic rocks, and initial orientation.