All of the 25 works are rendered in an inky blue-black, with spidery white lines that seem to reference Francis Bacon, one of Hirst's obvious influences.
He swam over the deepest parts of the ocean where the water is so deep that it is inky black at the bottom and the fish carried lanterns over their heads and some have lights on their tails.
The rift changes, from colors impossible to describe to inky black, and it strikes the planet.
Its inky color is accompanied by an intense perfume of flowers, black fruits.
Intense purple with a black inky depth and a bright crimson hue.
The enormous strand of blue, in closer scrutiny, does not have blue as its only element, but also hints of indigo green and inky black.
Omphacite jade or omphacitic jadeite jade, commercially named Inky Black Jade, is a virtually monomineralic rock composed of more than 90% omphacite.
Omphacite jade or omphacitic jadeite jade, commercially named Inky Black Jade, is a virtually monomineralic rock composed of more than 90% omphacite.