Join operators such as HASH, MERGE SCAN and (in some situations) NESTED LOOP can also benefit from asynchrony by simultaneously executing the inner and outer legs of the join operator.
The outer collect loop iterates over these reservation groups, and the inner collect loop iterates over the servers contained within each restrain group.
To against variety of load inertia, a zero pole placement self tuning regulator basing on inner model is designed in the outer loop.
Because the circuit needs current overload protect, a double loop strategy , with current feedback of filter inductance as inner loop and output voltage as outer loop, is studied.
Then, this thesis applies IP control algorithm to change controller in outer loop but not in inner loop based on basic double closed loop control system.
The two parts both adopt double loop PWM control mode which consists of outer voltage loop and inner current loop.
The output signal of the outer loop ACTS as the input signal of the inner loop. The inner loop engenders a synchronism drive signal to control current.
The control system is made of double closed loops: the inner current loop and the outer temperature loop, and satisfies the EAF's temperature need and three phase current balance.
According to all of these characteristics of the system, a three-loop fuzzy sliding control mode is adopted, the speed and position loop are outer loop, and the current loop is inner loop.
A DC voltage outer loop control for power balance and PI correction and an ac current inner loop control for feedback are designed to ensure the current quality and stabilize the DC voltage.
The inner loop USES a general proportion adjuster and the outer loop USES a single neuron PID controller with identification implement.
The three closed loop strategy with slip ratio loop as the outer one, pressure loop as the middle one and current loop as the inner one is used.
The small loop is made on 56 centimeters of RG213 coaxial cable shorting the inner conductor with the outer coaxial braid.
This PFC was realized by employing sliding-mode variable-structure inner current loop control and outer voltage loop PI control with digital low-pass filter to achieve high performance.
We can use SPWM to control power tube on or off, can use the double-loop control with the inductance current inner loop and capacitor voltage outer loop is introduced.
With the strategy of the UC3525 core as well as an inner current-loop and an outer voltage-loop control, the output stable voltage and limited current are realized very well.
In the inner closed loop, general PID control method based on encoder feedback of motor is adopted, and in the outer closed loop, a new fuzzy control based on position feedback of joint is adopted.
The spacecraft's attitude control system was divided into the outer loop that was Angle loop and the inner loop that was Angle velocity loop based on their time scales.
The ADS1110 was used to feed back output signals to MCU, and a double-loop regulation system with analog inner-loop and digital outer-loop was formed.
The aerocraft's attitude control system is divided into the outer loop that is an Angle loop and the inner loop that is an Angle velocity loop based on their timescale separation principle.
Outer inner voltage-current dual closed loop control system to improve the system accuracy and stability of the output and improve the system dynamic response.
The controller studied in this paper is based on cascade control system. Intelligent fuzz control is used to the outer loop and traditional PID law is applied to the inner loop.
This paper presents a new dual-loop control structure, with a neural network current as the inner-loop and a hybrid fuzzy-PI voltage as the outer-loop.
The main control structure of the servo drive is formed by two cascade loops, which are the current inner loop and the velocity outer loop.
驱动器控制架构采用电流与速 度迴路串级的双迴路控制架构,其中可调参数为电流与速度控制器参数。
The inner current loop and the outer voltage loop are designed based on typical systems respectively so that rapid current tracking and anti -...
This paper presents a double-loop control of inverters. The inner-loop of this scheme is One-cycle Control and the outer-loop is the compensator designed by the K factor.
This paper presents a double-loop control of inverters. The inner-loop of this scheme is One-cycle Control and the outer-loop is the compensator designed by the K factor.