The key factors of the regional storm and hard rain are the input capacity of low-level moisture.
An equation for calculating the input capacity during constant-voltage charging process is also derived.
Horizontal scaling is defined as changing the number of concurrent instances of an input queue in the cluster in order to increase or reduce processing capacity.
This memory expansion factor provides input to the operating system on the effective memory capacity the user is trying to achieve, and thus, the amount of data the OS should try to fit into memory.
So this capacity to reheal itself is completely automatic, and it's not relying on any sort of energy input from living cells.
It can obtain the improve of power factor of the input motor power, and can lighten its capacity.
We now define the (information) capacity of the channel as the maximum of the mutual information between the input and output over all distributions on the input that satisfy the power constraint.
The fifth step, according to the input parameters of the cooling capacity, modify the relevant data in the computer.
Product input and output voltage level is based on, join groups, adjust the number of taps, winding single-phase capacity allocation, and secondary windings, the use of purification circuit.
The efficiency reflects the output capacity of one unit of S&T input.
Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) system with higher gains in channel capacity is one of the key technologies for future wireless communications.
The increase in the wavelength number and capacity of a wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) network leads to the increase of input and output port number of an optical cross connector (OXC).
Infinite capacity thesaurus, real-time, included the latest words, translation is never out of date, intelligent index word input, simply type the letter can see recommended words.
Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) technique can enhance the capacity and improve the performance of the wireless communication system.
To improve the channel capacity, a new Alamouti space-time block coding (STBC) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system was employed for underwater communications.
Extremely low cost. Standard high-precision ground spindle. Standard flat mounting arrangement. High overhung load capacity input shaft.
Alterable input can restrict fishing integrative capacity of different fishery to exert, and influence of immutable input is relative lesser.
This valve must also have an hourly rated temperature steam BTU discharge capacity not less than the hourly input rating of the water heater.
The digital image quality evaluation involves the information capacity of image, but the magnitude of information capacity of input target image cant determine the quality in the correlation output.
Multi-element production capacity, closely related to corporate earnings, is a key indicator to determine the input-output ratio of economic activities.
The water-filling power allocation algorithm can achieve the maximal capacity of multiple-input multiple-output(MIMO) systems with no additional power and bandwidth consumption.
It has many advantages, such as adaptability to boundary, scantling of input data and small memory capacity required.
It is discussed that a method of testing layered water absorbing capacity of water injector by flowmeter directly based on the problems in testing input profile by radioisotope.
The operational characteristic of the total refrigerating capacity of the system and the input power of the compressor was also studied.
A new approximate expression for the argotic capacity of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless channels is presented.
In circuit design, the mathematical model of operational amplifier expanded function is expanded circuit. The circuit includes phase electric capacity, the feedback resistance and the input impedance.
Walking machine adopts the transmission input power, high intensity, rear axle assembly capacity is big.
The granulator's biggest capacity according to the screen diameter of the hole, shape, input speed of crushed material.
Relevant theories include the theory of regional combination and regional coordination, the theory of bearing capacity input-output potential mode and balance sheet mode.
Relevant theories include the theory of regional combination and regional coordination, the theory of bearing capacity input-output potential mode and balance sheet mode.