Thank you for your inquiry about our services.
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To make an inquiry about our oranges a representative of the Japanese company paid us a visit.
Now that we've already made an inquiry about your articles, will you please reply as soon as possible?
I have always had a strong spirit of inquiry about any research topic I dealt with in my university studies.
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After that, Iser makes a thorough inquiry about the intrinsic compose of literary - "repertoire and strategies".
The paper makes an analysis and inquiry about the differences among the Roue Theorem. Lagrange Thoorem and Cauchy Theorem.
Thank you very much for your inquiry about SGS auditing services. Please fill out the questionnaire and sign back to us for audit arrangement.
Last but not least, once you have any inquiry about products in the following days, hope you could feel free to contact with us, which is much appreciated.
Quotation of product is the respondence for client's inquiry about product price and other requirements. It is important for enterprises to respond market demands.
This paper made a thorough inquiry about Wang An-shi's rewriting of poems of Tang Dynasty as his own works, probed into the rewritten poems 'content, form and nature.
Misdiagnosis was due to the undetailed inquiry about medical history and careless examination as well as the similarity of the clinical manifestations of the two diseases.
This article research Ming Dynasty's usurious interest rate, makes a thorough inquiry about its types, the difference in different area, the construction and the evolution trend.
With the function of spatial data management, the system can realize coupling inquiry, conditional inquiry and special subject inquiry about spatial data and their attributes of objectives.
Gossip may also simply be a way to gather useful and helpful information about our social worlds without direct and embarrassing inquiry.
One is the primate of Ireland, Cardinal Sean Brady, who admits taking part in a grotesque inquiry in 1975 when two children, reportedly aged 10 and 14, were made to swear secrecy about their ordeal.
The fees earned for this broader advice dwarf those for the guidance on executive compensation (by about 11 to one, according to a recent congressional inquiry).
Blair lied about the Iraq war, he refused to express any regret at the Chilcot inquiry and his attempt to save his conscience will be little comfort to those injured or who have lost their loved ones.
The reality: Professor Crews argues that Freud devised a self-validating method of inquiry, deluded himself about his patients' illnesses, and failed to cure them.
Son told me that he received another text saying that he was employed. My son felt very confused about it, so he made a call to the company for inquiry.
The House's ethics committee has now opened an inquiry and will study the claims that Mr Hastert and others knew about Mr Foley's behaviour but did nothing to stop him.
The House's ethics committee has now opened an inquiry and will study the claims that Mr Hastert and others knew about Mr Foley's behaviour but did nothing to stop him.