The INSERT INTO works similarly to SQL, but again, this is URI-based rather than string-, table-, and name-based, which allows the operation to be done across HTTP.
INSERT INTO 的工作原理类似于SQL,但是同样,这是基于URI 的,而非基于字符串、基于表和基于名称的,这允许使用 HTTP 完成操作。
You can see from the form of the INSERT INTO in Listing 5 that a table had been created to correspond with the element in our DTD.
可以从清单5中INSERT INTO的形式看出,对应dtd中的元素创建了一个表。
To load data from the data file /data/americascust.dat (created above) into the base table customer, use the INSERT statement as follows
要将数据文件 /data/americascust.dat(此前已创建)中的数据加载到基表customer,可以使用INSERT 语句(如下所示)
Instead, you could load the 1M rows into a staging table, then run eight concurrent insert ...
相反,您可以将1M 的行装载到一个staging表中,然后运行8 条并发的insert ...
For example, the following INSERT statement stores the string that consists of alpha, beta, and gamma into the GRAPHIC column UCS2COL of the table uctable_1.
In table 6, the INSERT into the Orders table fails due to a foreign key constraint violation on custno.
The DB2 transaction associated with an upload included generating a unique document ID, logging the upload in the activity history table, and executing a SQL INSERT into 18 tables.
But what do you do if you want to encapsulate the insert of a new row into a table of DB2 and IDS in a single transaction?
Using the DB2 import command, we then populate this new table with data contained in the large del file: import from staffdata.del of del modified by chardel coldel, decpt. insert into newstaff.
然后我们使用DB 2import命令,用大型del文件中包含的数据填充这个新表:importfrom staffdata . del of del modifiedby chardel “ ” coldel, decpt . insert into newstaff。
The module dtd2sql generates a list of CREATE TABLE statements, while xml2sql generates a list of INSERT INTO statements.
模块dtd2s ql生成CREATEtable语句的列表,而xml2s ql生成INSERT into语句的列表。
MODIFIES SQL DATA in SQL table functions allows you to push even INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and MERGE (data-change-operations) into the inner leg of correlated joins.
MODIFIES SQL DATA in SQL table functions allows you to push even INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and MERGE (data-change-operations) into the inner leg of correlated joins.