They have offered useful inside information.
Gorgeous colorful words contain some profound connotations and ideological inside information.
This was not inside information, insists Mr Hortefeux: he was simply reacting to "press rumours".
The traditional way was to keep things a secret, and not let others be privy to your inside information.
The four men were suspected of obtaining inside information that helped Rio Tinto during the talks.
Mr. Sebbag received $15,000 in cash from the agents for sharing the inside information, the prosecutors said.
According to Signaling Theory, dividend is an effective signal for company to transmit its inside information.
The print is one kind of plural artistic form of expression, has the inside information and root of national folk art.
Accounting information forecast can be classified into financial information forecast and inside information forecast.
She has met people from arts design and fashion marketing industries at salons. They have offered useful inside information.
Quick access to inside information can help you define your actions and modify these from time to time to make them more efficient.
But the market competition makes the importance of culture embody, culture represents inside information of enterprises generally.
The paper probes into the inside information of staffing culture and analyzes the differences of staffing culture of home and abroad.
Using inside information to sell stock options before bad news sends stocks crashing, or executives using company assets for personal gain.
This inside information may prevent you from wasting your money on a low-cost ozone purifier that wasn't even worth your money, in the first place.
In the first section the writer commented on the definition of insider trading and determined it from two core parts: inside information and insider.
He cannot use inside information to buy shares of another company, especially if his company and the other company are negotiating a business relationship.
Rajaratnam's defense will probably claim that whatever inside information he gleaned was just part of the mosaic of data to which he applied his skill as a trader.
Synopsis: The journal of a ridiculously incompetent thief and his plans to rob Fort Knox with help from inside information supplied by a street bum named Jekk.
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has now charged 22 people for illegally exchanging inside information as part of the Galleon Group hedge-fund case.
美国证券交易委员会(SEC)现在指挥有22个人非法参与帆船集团(the Galleon Group)对冲基金的内幕交易案。
Play diabolo it is our country unique one national tradition that build up body project, have long history and deep cultural inside information in our country.
Brother you will not be too binding ah let us learn from this inside information ah I have not graduated ah, let me learn about the resources inside bronzes nice?
The one-time billionaire made $72 million by trading on inside information on Goldman Sachs, Intel Corp., Google Inc., ATI Technologies and Clearwire, prosecutors say.
Use the inside information for personal advantage or the personal advantage of others "Tip" others who may buy or sell securities because of the inside information.
Use the inside information for personal advantage or the personal advantage of others "Tip" others who may buy or sell securities because of the inside information.