Former Enron executive Paula Rieker was charged with criminal insider trading.
The insider trading undermined investors'confidence in the stock market.
Caijing's first issue exposed a case of insider trading in a property company.
In addition to violating Company policy, Insider Trading and Tipping are illegal.
He is being detained while he appeals a 14-year prison sentence for insider trading and bribery.
The harm from insider trading is the interference with the disclosure of corporate information.
There are forms of insider trading that are illegal, and there are forms of insider trading that are legal.
The speaker stops short of labeling this as insider trading, but only barely, saying, “I don't understand how that's legal.
Finally , the author rises his view on the essence and function of legislation of civil liability concerning insider trading.
"This case is the insider trading version of the fox guarding the henhouse," said Robert Khuzami, director of the SEC's Division of Enforcement.
Another Galleon employee, Zvi Goffer, who attended Mr Rajaratnam's trial, has been charged with insider trading and will stand trial later this month.
He has been fined for insider trading; on another occasion he was accused by opponents of using his post as a senator to defend his business interests.
Many funds that already have insurance policies are reviewing them to make sure insider trading is covered, and are increasing their policy limits.
Naftalis keeps repeating that because Gupta never received any money or direct benefits from Rajaratnam, he can't possibly be guilty of insider trading.
Furthermore, active investors can run foul of laws on activities such as insider trading that were created with far more nefarious characters in mind.
But there's precedent in other kinds of insider trading cases-the so-called "misappropriation" type-in which "personal benefits" can mean much more than money.
Skilling was convicted in May on 19 counts of fraud, conspiracy, insider trading and lying to auditors. He was acquitted on nine counts of insider trading.
"It may not be insider trading but it is insider use of sensitive information, which gives an undue advantage, " Arjuna Mahendran of HSBC Private Bank told the BBC.
Mr Rajaratnam will appeal but if it stands, the conviction is a major victory for emboldened prosecutors, who are making insider trading and market abuse a priority.
Raj Rajaratnam, the former billionaire manager of Galleon, was convicted of insider trading and conspiracy in May and is awaiting sentencing before trudging off to jail.
Not even the July arrest of Guangfa's ex-president on suspicion of insider trading in the same investigation that ensnared Jilin Aodong could dampen investor enthusiasm.
Whether or not this constitutes insider trading, it is a shocking ethical lapse, a blatant conflict of interest and a breach of Mr. Sokol's duty of loyalty to his employer.
The fundamental principle of regulating insider trading is that insider trading erodes the fiduciary relationship that lies at the heart of our business organizations.
This morning, 62-year old Rajat Gupta, the former managing director of consulting powerhouse McKinsey &Company, turned himself into the FBI to face insider trading charges.
上周三上午,咨询巨头麦肯锡公司(McKinsey &Company)前董事总经理、62岁的拉雅•古普塔向联邦调查局(FBI)自首。他将面临内幕交易指控。
Because he was technically an insider, Gupta will likely be charged in the "classical" definition of insider trading, where pecuniary benefit is a necessary prerequisite to guilt.
Because he was technically an insider, Gupta will likely be charged in the "classical" definition of insider trading, where pecuniary benefit is a necessary prerequisite to guilt.