Looking back helps insofar as it helps you learn from your mistakes.
For one thing, they're reliable insofar as they're based on unbiased samples.
In a sense this is inescapable: meaning exists only insofar as it means to someone, and literary works are written in order to evoke sets of responses in the reader.
Death is bad insofar as it deprives you of a chunk of life that would have been good.
Except insofar as the other Act or the order of the court otherwise indicates or requires.
Insofar as soe production was integrated into a national plan, they could not be allowed to fail.
Insofar as possible, stay with those areas having to do with risk management, planning, and costs.
We are in a special position insofar as we are the only factor in the mix that the cabal deeply fears.
The Fed believes the earlier assets purchases worked, insofar as they lowered long-term interest rates.
It is Germany's favorite city, insofar as surveys show a majority of Germans would prefer to live there.
She thought shy or unpopular boys had a hard life, and she took pity on them insofar as was humanly possible.
Yet the style remains traditional, "insofar as they are still doing what Grandpa did, and before him, " he said.
Today's consensus, insofar as there is one, seems to be that raising minimum wages has minor negative effects at worst.
If I understand it correctly, science as science insofar as its belike scientific methodology, he needs to be defended.
AAM: But insofar as the [date] is concerned, yes, you are correct and so are many in feeling that this is the opening day.
I think services themselves can be adequately described, insofar as their technical specification, through a WSDL or WADL.
And insofar as we care about the overall shape of our lives, we might worry about wanting it to have the right shape overall.
The life of the individual has meaning only insofar as it aids in making the life of every living thing nobler and more beautiful.
He understood chemistry only insofar as it related to the baking time of bread at various elevations or the evaporation rate of alcohol.
Insofar as stories are surrogates for real events, the best are those where we forget they are stories. Many writers aspire toward this.
But insofar as any one sentence can sum up the elaborate division of Labour that has evolved between these vast economic blocks that is it.
Since linguistic signs only carry out their functions or possess their semantic properties only insofar as there is a practice of interpretation.
Services are useful only insofar as they are consumed, and so the best way of specifying their usefulness is to describe what consumers expect of them.
Services are useful only insofar as they are consumed, and so the best way of specifying their usefulness is to describe what consumers expect of them.