I hope that people who feel inspired by music will also feel moved by what I have to say about TB.
Barbra was so inspired by Mother’s funeral music that she made her own album of hymns and inspirational songs, including one written in Mother’s memory, Leading with Your Heart.
If you want to be rhythmically challenged, then forget the horrific noodling of Yes and check out bela bartok, who was inspired by the addictive rhythms of his native Hungary's folk music.
But it seems that the infamous 'meat dress' worn by the American singer to last year's MTV Video Music Awards has inspired a group of aspiring fashionistas.
但是看来,去年Lady Gaga在出席MTV音乐录影带大奖时穿的那件臭名远扬的“肉片装”已经激起了时尚达人们的灵感。
He even influenced the music and the special effects: Just by the look of the drawings, he inspired people.
I'm inspired by all the things I like: music, art, movies, designers, street style.
With an array of unique, high quality drinks and great music, the environment at Sour Diesel is only heightened by the impeccable design and Manhattan-inspired sophistication.
Or listened to your favorite music CD and felt inspired by the talent of the singer?
These can be inspired by an exalting piece of music, by the serene happiness we sometimes feel in nature, or by the most ordinary everyday situation.
Music inspired by the wistful beauty of the Mediterranean combines with the soothing sound of surf to create an inviting spa ambience.
The whispers from a time of mystery are brought to life in this music inspired by the Runes, an ancient alphabet with hidden meanings and associations with Northern mythology.
Kaley Cuoco, star of the hit TV show "the Big Bang Theory" and a life-long animal lover, was inspired by a painful accident to make beautiful music for homeless animals.
Today, 8-bit is considered a specific retro-style that is embraced by such things as 8-bit genre music and 8-bit inspired art.
Nick was definitely inspired by Mayan culture and used several Oriental music instruments to make this album.
Artists from China, Norway, France, Spain, Brazil, the United States and Luxembourg are inspired by the life and bring their ideas into music, dance, poet, media electronic arts and so on.
Bod Geldof, music journalist turned punk rock frontal, was inspired by a news report about Africa's famine epidemic and began his fight against the world hunger.
1984年Bod dGeld of这个出身音乐记者的朋克摇滚前沿人,被一则报导非洲饥荒的新闻深深打动,开始了他与世界饥荒的战斗。
Bod Geldof, music journalist turned punk rock frontal, was inspired by a news report about Africa's famine epidemic and began his fight against the world hunger.
1984年Bod dGeld of这个出身音乐记者的朋克摇滚前沿人,被一则报导非洲饥荒的新闻深深打动,开始了他与世界饥荒的战斗。