It sounds inspiring and motivates like nothing else.
It will be warm, inspiring and motivating to those around you.
Top lit and brightly coloured, this is an inspiring and exciting space.
Also important is inspiring and guiding younger researchers to do great work.
Dickens' inspiring and popular tale of redemption is a delight to read again and again.
Write down and keep a list of inspiring and uplifting quotes, and read them several times a day.
Mr Obama is intelligent, inspiring and appears by instinct to be a consensus-seeking pragmatist.
Adventure of a lifetime, and artisans making fine tools, it is an inspiring and fascinating place.
Emma: : Do you find Lara's adventures inspiring and make you wish to travel to faraway lands yourself?
The high amount of detail and thought put into the work makes the project very inspiring and a joy to look at.
His book is inspiring and freeing, but in the back he had a list of recommended books and I purchased one.
This book is fun, inspiring and very easy to read – perfect for anyone on a plane, beach or stuck in a rut.
I want to thank each and every one of you for your thoughtful, inspiring and often beautiful notes, CARDS and gifts.
To be able to be yourself is inspiring and beautiful, because you are putting yourself out there (without fear).
Original, inspiring and crisp showcase for Norway based Karl Ward. Includes high-level tutorials and source files.
I have to say the places we visited are very inspiring and will reflect well in the game... Visually and Story wise.
Above all, he focuses on inspiring and nurturing grassroots action by the 15 - to 29-year-old "Millennial" generation.
Introducing variety will make you more frequently be at that naive state where you create more inspiring and creative designs.
You will head toward a peak of some kind - an achievement - and thinking about it as you do will be both inspiring and frightening.
We received hundreds of outstanding applications, and it was incredibly difficult to choose from among so many inspiring and deserving schools.
A reason for the silence surrounding his death may be that for Goldman, at least, his legacy is at once inspiring and just a little troubling.
It expounds the inspiring and binding role of MBO. It points out that MBO is a long - term inspiring and binding mechanism for listed companies.
Her passion is enhancing peoples lives by inspiring and teaching strategies to thrive through tough times, live joyfully, and create their dream lives.
Connecting with people, inspiring and motivating them to live better lives, writing, creating, learning, and continuing to explore possibilities for new passions.
It's almost overwhelming because there are literally new strangers coming into my little corner of the world every second, but it's also inspiring and incredible.
Discovered in 1853, this lake located in South Central Oregon, is awe inspiring and famous for its 20-mile circle of cliffs and indescribable deep blue color.
The big ideaL is an inspiring and creative way for brands to capture what they stand for in a way that can inspire a movement for change, and bigger business.
The big ideaL is an inspiring and creative way for brands to capture what they stand for in a way that can inspire a movement for change, and bigger business.