The first set of enclosing braces delineates the construction of an anonymous inner class, and the second set delineates the instance initializer for the anonymous inner class.
For example, the semantics of return, break, and this are different in a block of code than they are in a Runnable (or other inner class instance) that represents the same block of code.
You are returning an instance of JsonRecordWriter, an inner class that will get a line of data from Listing 3 and produce a line of data in Listing 4.
This feature is richer than function Pointers because it allows the inner class instance to retain a reference to the environment in which it was created.
Inner classes can refer to mutable instance fields if the inner-class expression occurs in an instance context, but this is not the same thing.
如果内部类表达式出现在某个实例上下文中的话,内部类可以引用可变的实例域instance field,但这不是同一回事。
The only thing a class needs to be used this way is a default constructor (which allows you to create an anonymous inner class instance inheriting from your class).
The only thing a class needs to be used this way is a default constructor (which allows you to create an anonymous inner class instance inheriting from your class).