The shelf held books, an alarm clock, a stuffed bear, two mugs, instant coffee, tea tins, the cassette machine, and on two lower shelves, the cassettes I had made.
The jeep rattles up through the dark and stops with a bump next to a stall selling instant noodles, tea and bourbon biscuits.
This deep, wordless experience can't be manufactured in an instant but develops slowly, one birthday party, convalescence, Thanksgiving and cup of tea at a time.
In hot or warm days, tea helps to dispel the heat and brings on an instant cool with a feeling of relaxation.
Battle of the crossbow, the deterioration of human nature, a moment of quiet, beautiful afternoon tea, instant love, build the one after another tragic hero song.
Numerous systems have proven successful in the production of foods, instant coffee and tea, pharmaceuticals, detergents, chemicals, building materials etc.
The principles and advantages of the membrane separation, vacuum freeze drying in instant tea processing, the bright future of the instant tea were outlined.
In this paper, operating conditions in the process of making instant black tea directly from fresh tea Leaves are studied.
Due to being made into the instant tea, the invention is convenient for packing, long time storage as well as the application and popularization of the burdock.
To reduce the influences on aroma by SDE, the changes of aroma of instant green tea during the process by headspace absorption were studied.
When Consumer Reports tested the antioxidant punch of 15 brewed, bottled, and instant teas, it found most teas brewed from tea bags scored highest in antioxidant content.
And the colour of tea powder changes greatly with its processing technology. Several issues needing to be focused on in the spray-drying of instant tea powder are put forward.
The result shows that the powder of butter with tea produced by microencapsulation technology has good taste and instant capacity and is easy to conserve.
The caffeine content of the decaffeine instant tea is 80% lower than that ofthe nondecaffeine instant tea, and the polyphenols, amino acids, water, soluble materials are highly preserved.
The new technology for the production of instant scented tea with low grade green tea as raw material was developed in this paper.
Using ethanol, cold water-soluble Pueraria powder was made, to which milk powder and sugar were added to give instant Pueraria milk tea powder through sensory evaluation and orthogonal tests.
The invention relates to an instant moisten-throat tea, which contains the ingredients of Sterculia Lychophora and Honeysuckle;
The mug, filter, filter basket, and mug lid are dishwasher-safe, and the coffeemaker can also be used to heat water for tea, hot chocolate, and instant foods like oatmeal and soup.
Tingyi holds 41% and 50% of the Chinese instant noodles and RTD-tea markets, respectively;
Tingyi holds 41% and 50% of the Chinese instant noodles and RTD-tea markets, respectively;