It has all the necessary functionality that is required to instantiate and serialize an XML model and to search and modify data or metadata in the XML instance.
The Web application’s ServletContext is used as a bind target for the container instance, to make it available for subsequent use without having to instantiate it multiple times.
The class also must have a no-arg constructor which will be used by Flex to instantiate an instance.
Then, when the application starts up, you simply need to instantiate an instance of the listening class.
To invoke the JAX-WS web service method, you need to instantiate a proxy instance and invoke the method on the proxy synchronously, as shown in Listing 4.
要调用这个JAX - WSweb服务方法,需要同步实例化一个代理实例并调用该代理上的方法,如清单4所示。
The first steps in creating a database-backed model are to instantiate the MySQL driver class, and create a DBConnection instance.
That is, when you instantiate a point instance, e.g., point, you can read the fields using point.x and point.y.
也就是说,当你初始化一个point的实例时,比如point,你可以通过point . x和point . y来读取字段。
As a corollary, if you instantiate SOAPMappingRegistry with its no-arg constructor, a 2001 namespace-aware instance is returned.
They can then copy that instance as an image and re-instantiate it in one of the other pools to perform pre-production testing, or deploy the instance in the live production environment.
Depending on the size of the instance it can take up to 30 minutes to capture it, and then a similar amount of time to copy it from one pool to another and re-instantiate it.
As an alternative, Listing 5 shows how you would instantiate an instance by referencing a remote XML resource.
Initialization occurs whenever you instantiate a new instance of a component.
The problem with this approach is that the LogManager instance uses the system class loader to instantiate classes from the configuration file.
First, you instantiate a UIColumn object to represent the column, then create a header cell object for the particular column in the form of an HtmlOutputText instance.
首先,实例化uicolumn对象以表示列,然后以HtmlOut putText实例的形式为特定列创建标题单元对象。
In JUnit on the other hand, the test page equivalent is a test case, and the test runner would instantiate a separate test case instance for each test method. In other words.
Then use GWT.create to instantiate an instance of the new interface and pass it to the Tree widget constructor when the Tree widget is created (Listing 16, line 30).
然后,在创建Tree部件时,使用GWT . create实例化这个新接口的实例并把它传递给Tree部件构造器(清单16的第30行)。
The idea is that you can instantiate a Scope in one method with an instance of type t that you'd like another method later in the call stack to be able to access.
When you instantiate a delegate, you can associate its instance with any method with a compatible signature.
Next you instantiate the class, what creates a new object (the instance) in the Gorm main window, and you connect the outlets and the actions to the corresponding components.
下面,以这个组为例进行说明,这将在Gor m主窗口中创建一个新的目标,并且你可以将出口(Outlets)和行为关联到相应的部分。
Next you instantiate the class, what creates a new object (the instance) in the Gorm main window, and you connect the outlets and the actions to the corresponding components.
下面,以这个组为例进行说明,这将在Gor m主窗口中创建一个新的目标,并且你可以将出口(Outlets)和行为关联到相应的部分。