The package was backed by the bank's institutional shareholders to "incentivise" Mr Hester.
Institutional shareholders of News Corp are those who often concern themselves with governance matters.
The UK's stewardship code is actively encouraging institutional shareholders to co-operate with companies.
In addition, the global competition and the force of institutional shareholders drove firms to turn to focusing.
Yet unless institutional shareholders make the most of their rights, getting a vote may not make much difference.
The fact is that, as a general matter, institutional shareholders are spread too thin - and fail to do their jobs effectively.
Votes against managers are rare because institutional shareholders talk to firms about pay long before any confrontation threatens.
Bankers are growing worried that institutional shareholders, spooked by regulatory unpredictability, will start to lose faith.
Given the reluctance of many institutional shareholders to vote against management, this amounted to an expression of deep discontent.
Royal Bank of Scotland received enthusiastic encouragement from its institutional shareholders for its acquisition of bits of ABN AMRO.
苏格兰皇家银行(Royal Bankof Scotland)因取得荷兰银行(abn AMRO)的部分股份而受到机构股东们的热情鼓励。
Many investors welcome the proposal: in fact, a group of big ones, known as the Institutional Shareholders' Committee, helped devise the code.
Pension funds and other once-staid institutional shareholders are also becoming more willing to entertain offers as they strive to increase returns.
He said that he and many other institutional shareholders had repeatedly told management that a "substantial" rights issue was their preferred option to reduce Rio's debt.
If a firm shifted its listing too, new institutional shareholders might have to be found in the bank's new home-while the old shareholders would have to give their permission for the move.
Private and institutional shareholders are angry because the deal ignores their pre-emption rights – they should have first refusal on any new shares issued – and would dilute their stakes.
Although the Deutsche Bourse has said it will not raise its price, it may have to eat its words and do so anyway in the next few weeks in order to win over some large institutional shareholders.
Most institutional shareholders have opposed the plan, mainly because it ignores their pre-emption rights.
Colin Melvin of Hermes Equity Ownership Services, which advises institutional investors on such matters, says the overall result has been much better communication between managers and shareholders.
Some of Goldman’s institutional clients, such as CalSTRS, a Californian pension fund, have publicly expressed concern. It won’t help that shareholders have began filing suits this week.
First, directional add-issuance will affect the interests of stakeholders such as big shareholder, minority shareholders and institutional investors, especially for big shareholder.
The capital raising comprises a placement to institutional and sophisticated investors and a fully underwritten non-renounceable entitlements offer to all shareholders of the Company.
One of the main reasons for the expropriation of small shareholders is that institutional defects exist in corporate governance in many listed companies.
Institutional flaw causes listed companies to deviate from the maximum of shareholders' interest and keep too much profit.
Second, the profit protection effect of institutional investor to minority shareholders is affected by the system conditions.
Second, the profit protection effect of institutional investor to minority shareholders is affected by the system conditions.