It only CARES that the ones and zeros are consistent with its instruction set and address space.
Its successor was the 4040 processor (released in 1974), which had an expanded instruction set, program memory, register set, and stack.
If you don't have a compiler that can produce code to take advantage of the underlying processor architecture and instruction set, then the fastest machines will be useless.
As a consequence, the instruction set contains mostly arithmetic and branch operations but none that resemble kernel mode instructions of the PPE.
In this model, a virtual instruction set is translated to the physical instruction set of the underlying hardware, most commonly dynamically.
A human-readable form of a processor's instruction set.
Underlying the front-end parsers is a symbolic instruction set – a kind of portable assembly code – which can be translated to any of the supported machine architectures.
Because of the nature of memory systems and instruction-set designs, the best generic routine to copy memory is rarely as fast as code written to copy a particular length.
The Loongson processor is based on the MIPS instruction set, the basic commands that a microprocessor understands.
I bet a lot of people continued to write machine language until the processor, like a bartender eager to close up and go home, finally kicked them out by switching to a RISC instruction set.
Since the SPU instruction set is not directly related to an existing CPU architecture, a new back end was written for both GCC and binutils.
The PowerPC uses a load/store (also called RISC) instruction set, which means that the only time it accesses main memory is for loading into registers or copying a register to memory.
UNIX-based environments are often 64-bit, and most UNIX vendors don't support the x86 instruction set.
As with any instruction set, the Ant syntax is unable to express certain concepts.
The object code for a VM is also called bytecode, specifically defining an instruction set that an interpreter executes.
Because the Cell's PPE USES the same instruction set as the PowerPC 970 CPU, it does not require changes to the compiler or the binutils.
由于Cell的PPE使用了与PowerPC 970CPU相同的指令集,因此不需要对编译器和binutils进行任何修改。
The bug only seems to affect version 5.2 and 5.3 of the language, and only when they are run on Intel 32-bit CPUs that use the x87 instruction set.
Metzger adds that the inner workings of the chip, known as its instruction set, have not yet been disclosed, making it difficult to know if or how any x86 patents may have been breeched.
Metzger还表示,Godson - 3的内部工作方式也就是指令组还没有公布,所以很难弄清有多少x86的专利被模仿了。
The other main type of processor architecture, CISC (the x86 processor being a popular CISC instruction set), allows for memory access in nearly every instruction.
另外一种主要的处理器体系结构CISC (x86处理器就是一种流行的CISC指令集)几乎允许在每条指令中进行内存访问。
However, knowing some of the basic ones will help you read PowerPC documentation and understand some of the general strategies and nuances in the PowerPC instruction set.
Emulation also commonly interprets the instructions of the guest VM (compared to virtualization, where the instruction set architecture of the guests must be the same as the host).
This instruction set is held by your unconscious mind and it is your unconscious mind that hides these instructions from you.
In a microcomputer with a microprogrammed instruction set, it contains an additional control-memory unit.
The instruction set is primarily geared around dividing it into four 32-bit words, but there is enough support to handle any of these situations.
CISC means complex instruction set: a large collection of instructions, some of which perform sophisticated operations that might be typical of high-level language.
This hack just changes the instruction set that means "don't run" into one that means "sure, go ahead and run."
The co verification environment consists of an embedded software debugger and an embedded hardware simulator. It adopts instruction set architecture co simulation model.
Program instruction set, logic stack and data type of I/O memory which are tied up with tasks in the soft-PLC system are analyzed and studied.
Consult the instruction set reference when you're in doubt over which operands you can use.
Consult the instruction set reference when you're in doubt over which operands you can use.