It also includes instructions to create and drop collections, to specify how the query results are formatted, and to supply user credentials.
The effort to convert a user manual, assembly instructions, contract or other document into a second language follows a path of checks and rechecks to ensure accuracy.
To view or change the value, follow the instructions provided for viewing and changing the user name length in mkuser, earlier in this article.
The following is a quick set of instructions to point the user to the configuration options for the Replication TAB.
Users can refer to the individual user manuals and instructions that come with the downloaded package to install each product.
You can use an XSLT stylesheet to transform the user preferences into a set of database instructions (see Figure 2).
Detailed instructions on how to map the required application roles to user groups in UME can be found in this blog entry on SDN.
This is because user mode instructions do not have sufficient privileges to cause the system to crash.
Not that the user isn't intelligent, but the time she gives to your instructions may require increased simplicity to process it all at a glance.
The term bot has its origins from the word robot and is used to describe a software application that takes instructions from a user and provides a response.
To map a set of groups defined in the user registry to a role, click the map groups button, and follow the steps and instructions to complete this task.
If you're not familiar with AIDE, be sure to review the Axis documentation — in particular, the Axis installation instructions and user guide.
To map on a set of users defined in the user registry, click the map users button and follow the steps and instructions.
It was really magic for me, afirst-time user of Ubuntu. On Windows, you have to first buy the license, download or buy the software, and then follow the instructions to install it.
是的,这对我第一次使用Ubuntu的用户来说的确非常神奇,在Windows上你还需要为软件购买许可,下载,然后按照说明安装,但是在Ubuntu上你只需用“apt-get install"来搞定几乎所有事情。
First, type adduser into the console screen and follow the instructions to add a user to log in with an associated password. Then we need to upgrade the system by running the following.
The obvious answer is to do the opposite, scrap all documentation including any end user instructions or help files.
The symbol on an instrument indicates that the user should refer to the operating instructions located in the manual.
The user was successfully pre - enrolled for email security and will receive email instructions on how to complete enrollment.
Out of the MSI and leave it to the user to place them in the correct location using the instructions below.
After completing the design for all the needed carving contents, user sends instructions to the carving machine via computer. The most common carving object is stick note.
If the intended purpose of the device is not obvious to the user, the manufacturer must clearly state it on the label and in the instructions for use.
For installation instructions, refer to the User 's Guide or the installation Guide document.
The user CPU time is the CPU time attributed to user instructions. The system CPU time is the CPU time attributed to the kernel when it executes on behalf of the process.
The user CPU time is the CPU time attributed to user instructions. The system CPU time is the CPU time attributed to the kernel when it executes on behalf of the process.