These risks threat the stability of insurance management and the benefits of insurant directly.
Is the compensation paid by the insurer to the insurant in accordance with the insurance contract.
Article 41 the insurant of double insurance shall notify all the insurers of the double insurance.
Primary endowment insurance expends the 19% pay that the enterprise expends base the sum by all insurant capture.
The insurant can receive unemployment allowance and enjoy any other treatment of unemployment after obtaining approval.
Guarantee insurance refers to the insurer as a guarantor offering a bond for obligor i. e. the insurant, to the obligee.
A complete insurance market should be composed of three parts: the insure, the insured or the insurant, and the intermediary.
Additional, still exist in insurance contract person of two kinds of relations, this is insurant and beneficiary beneficiary.
Insurant, be with its belongings, life or the body serves as insurance mark, the person that is ensured by insurance contract.
Article20 the insurant and the insurer may reach agreement on related matters other than those stated in the preceding paragraph.
Then the character of financial statements insurance, insurer, insurant, the third person and the agency are defined and suggested.
If the insurant has not paid up the premium for two years, the insurer shall return the premium paid after deducting the commissions.
According to the regulation of insurance law, insurant or beneficiary beneficiary can appoint several factitious beneficiary beneficiary.
Liability insurance in sports is indicated such insurance of amends that insurant has the civil compensating responsibility to the third.
There are special requirement on both parties: truth disclosure and performance warranty for insurant, while waiver and estopple for insurer.
Absrtact: Liability insurance in sports is indicated such insurance of amends that insurant has the civil compensating responsibility to the third.
The fourth, the author discusses the insurance effect subrogation's among the insurer, the insurant and the third party through transfer of credit.
An insurant shall own the insurable interest in the objects of insurance according to Article12 of "insurance Law of the Peoples Republic of China".
Insurant is in complete formalities, shipping documents, waiting for an insurance company shall be approved responsibility, decide whether to compensate pays,.
Him insurant cannot decide mean monthly of salary, above a year of this city worker is mean monthly salary regards pay as base of cost of primary endowment insurance.
Below the circumstance that did not pay insurance premium by the agreement in policy-holder, the underwriter can request insurant to pay through litigant means of course.
Cent of company worth insurance is with average and all-risks insurance two kinds, policy-holder can undertake choosing according to the particular risk circumstance of insurant.
Cent of company worth insurance is with average and all-risks insurance two kinds, policy-holder can undertake choosing according to the particular risk circumstance of insurant.