Heavily deforested areas can see a 300 fold increase in the risk of malaria infection compared to areas of intact forest.
The report says without decisive action, intact forest landscapes could disappear from whole regions within a few years.
Comparatively intact forest layer, the clear layer of the arbores, thicket and vert. (5) Obvious continuity of vegetation community's distribution and poor productivity of community.
Amazonas remains by far the best-preserved of Brazil's nine Amazon states, with about 97% of its original forest cover intact.
Compared to the 1960s, each hectare of intact African forest has trapped an extra 0.6 tonnes of carbon a year.
Etched into ceilings of the mine shafts is the largest intact fossil forest ever seen—at least four square miles of tropical wilderness preserved 307 million years ago.
Falcon-Lang describes it as "a spectacular discovery" because the whole forest-not just individual trees or plants-is intact on the ceiling.
Falcon - Lang称这是一次“叹为观止的发现”,因为并不是个别树木或植物,而是整座森林都完好无损地保存在煤矿的天花板上。
Falcon-Lang describes it as "a spectacular discovery" because the whole forest-not just individual trees or plants-is intact on the ceiling.
Falcon - Lang称这是一次“叹为观止的发现”,因为并不是个别树木或植物,而是整座森林都完好无损地保存在煤矿的天花板上。