If you want to specify a page size, the size must be an integral multiple of the default page size, not greater than 16 kilobytes.
The path length around the cavity is carefully monitored and adjusted so that it is an integral multiple of the peak power laser wavelength.
The output signal frequency of integer frequency synthesizer is the integral multiple of reference signal frequency, Loop frequency resolution is the reference frequency.
Fringes are formed when the optical difference (OPD) between a reference wave front and a test wave front based on the interference of light is an integral multiple of the illuminating wavelength.
Timers are an integral part of any operating system, and you'll find multiple timer mechanisms.
The amount of any partial prepayment shall be equal to the amount of an instalment for repayment of the Loan or an integral multiple thereof.
The model of Multiple Neural Networks by Fuzzy(MNNF) integral presented in this paper is an effective method to improve the detection performance of network intrusion detection system.
The results show that the calculation results is identical to the results of integral model used and the time of multiple cluster stator blades strength analysis is also saved.
A filter is designed based on wavelet packet according to the features of numerical integral errors and those of multiple scales and high resolving power of wavelet packet.
By using of complex variable function and integral equation method, the antiplane multiple holes and cracks problem of half plane region is considered in this paper.
This paper deals with the identification of nonself-balanced system with multiple integral link.
The modified eccentric circular centrode has been obtained by reducing the polar Angle of polar equation of eccentric circular centrode by integral multiple.
By several examples, we illustrated how to use the analytical method to determine the limits of integral in the problem on exchanging the order of multiple integral.
Structural FE analysis on an integral bus is performed, in which optimal design of multiple performance objectives of structural strength, vibration modal frequency and mass is researched.
Double step drum is an integral drum with stepwise flanges and double step sections. It allows the multiple layer rope winding in non-operating portion of luffing mechanism to make drum shorter.
Based on fuzzy mathematics, combine fuzzy integral and analytic hierarchy process (AHP), a kind of multiple attributions problem is proposed.
Numerical method of integral order ordinary differential equation, for example, Euler method, linear multiple step method, and so on, has had quite perfect theories.
By using a definite integral identical formula, a solution to some multiple-choice questions of definite integral is given.
The article presents the average energy density, the total radiant power and the radiant resistance of the integral multiple semi-wave antenna with the electrical current of certain distribution.
By using of complex variable function and integral equation method, the antiplane multiple holes and cracks problem of half plane region is considered in this paper.
The utility model fundamentally overcomes the shortages of a single bag and multiple connection systems, and the best blood separating plastic bag integral device at present.
In chapter 2, we investigated the argument distribution of the multiple value and the derived functions of integral functions with iterated order, and gain similar result.
In chapter 2, we investigated the argument distribution of the multiple value and the derived functions of integral functions with iterated order, and gain similar result.