Ballmer: No question, it's the importance to customers of an integrated software platform.
This Service Pack cannot be integrated into a destination that also has integrated Software Updates.
As a result, the open source model often builds higher quality, more secure, more easily integrated software.
Integrated software market forecast of Wang's software market forecast model to predict the success rate high.
By using the grey evaluation theory, a model was presented to reflect the integrated software outsourcing risk.
The integrated software can not only take full advantages of VB and MATLAB, but also run independently without Matlab.
In this paper, the developed methods of integrated software platform for optimization control in DCS have been studied.
This dissertation studies the design and realization of a PC-based integrated software system for structure health monitoring.
In this paper, the architecture of an integrated software engineering support environment hosted by UNIX system was introduced.
NAUTICUS system is a integrated software produced by DNV, including rule checking, fatigue assessment and structure analysis etc.
As a result, you can help increase efficiency and productivity, while creating a more tightly integrated software testing process, too.
Enterprise Resource Planning (erp) systems are large, complex integrated software applications that often take years to implement.
The integrated software package, PDS2000 allows for seamless use of data files between data aquisition editing and chart production.
In this paper the principles and main functions of the integrated software for FEA on underground structures (UFEM system) are introduced.
An integrated software for system development, introducing geography by graphic, animation and image under multimedia condition is presented.
The dynamic component mining method design system is an integrated software package specially designed for the underground mining method design.
An integrated software system of broadband access switch should include the device driver, configuration interface, applications and network management, etc.
Make sure the development team understands the benefits of the release record and integrated software tools, processes, and project management discipline approach.
Meanwhile, a highly integrated software development environment and database technology greatly reduce the increasing maturity of the system development costs.
Thus, the testing tool can automatically determine what tests need to be repeated when one or more components of the integrated software system have been modified.
The development of the integrated software engineering environment has become a hot point in the domestic and foreign software communities during the recent years.
The coupled simulation computation of THREE FIELD is done by using a coupled simulation integrated software system which is developed based on commercial software ANSYS.
An integrated software development platform and consistent, configurable processes and best practices are essential to mitigate risk to cost and schedule across these large projects.
This paper introduces the idea of creating an environment in supporting problem-oriented solutions, wherehy an integrated software package for reasoning and computing has been realized.
Because of it virtues such as flexibility, configurability, reliability and embodying the thought of integrated software etc., Multi-tier distributed structure mould is putting in use popularly.
Two methods of communication between DCS and IPC designed method of real time control dynamic database and the function of man-machine interface in integrated software platform have been analyzed.
These programs can be integrated with your existing software.
The other half—the “brains”—includes software integrated with machine and production control, all focused to streamline the handling of customer information.
The other half—the “brains”—includes software integrated with machine and production control, all focused to streamline the handling of customer information.