During integration of world economy, the pace of overseas merger and acquisition is quickening for Chinese enterprises. In practice, however, successful cases are less and failed ones more.
Some of this confusion reflects a widespread misunderstanding about how China's integration into the world economy affects prices in the rich world.
Especially in the 90's, the whole world financial market changed enormously because of the globalization of the world economy and the integration of the financial market.
More generally, the coming strife will shape the debate about the integration of the world economy.
The tide of the economic integration has engulfed the whole world, and the most obvious feature of the knowledge economy have been revealed, that is to go to the cooperation from single competition.
Knowledge-based era of accelerating the process of integration into the global economy and the world of high-tech products made from breadth to depth of the market has undergone tremendous changes.
The structural integration of the Chinese economy to that of the core spatial economy of the world such as the United States, European Union and Japan makes it a trans-Asian economic actor.
The relationship among people all over the world is becoming closer and closer with the integration of the global economy.
As the globalization of the world economy and the speed up integration process the international competition is increased, the requirement for international business strategy is rising ever higher.
With the integration of the world economy, China becoming a member of WTO, and China opening the market of silver, domestic silver price is getting into the same line with international silver price.
After entering into WTO, the tourism economy of our country is forced to fit into the integration of the whole world.
As the integration of the world economy moves on and China enters into WTO, the chain retail business faces more and more severe challenges.
With the tendency of global economic integration, the relative strength and change in competitive status of world -class enterprises has a tremendous impact on the global economy.
In the whole world economic integration today, in an all-round way realize environmental resources and win-wins of international economy and trade.
In the whole world economic integration today, in an all-round way realize environmental resources and win-wins of international economy and trade.