The concept of network control was extended to let digital switches communicate with databases (known as Service Control Points) and signal processing systems (Intelligent Peripherals).
Software also increasingly enables new functions, such as the intelligent cruise control, driver assistance, and collision detection systems in high-end automobiles.
Going beyond tire pressure monitoring systems (TPMS) automobile companies are already making strides towards making tires into intelligent adaptive sensors to control and prevent collisions.
In recent years, the flocking control theory has gained great concern in the theory of intelligent systems research at home and abroad.
According to the characteristics of the greenhouse control systems, this paper introduces the distributed intelligent greenhouse environmental control system based one the 485 field bus.
Intelligent control can solve many complex system control problems by integrating human knowledge into control systems.
It is one of the effective methods to introduce intelligent optimization methods to the control system for guiding the design of control systems and identifying parameters of the process model.
Autonomous intelligent cruise control systems use forward looking radar sensors to collect information about traffic and obstacles in the roadway ahead.
Robot action planning is one of the topics associated with intelligent robot control systems that are especially important and very complex.
The problem of antijamming must be considered in designing and developing computer control systems and intelligent devices. The signal isolation is an important meathod to reject interference.
We also provide you with intelligent room control system, the hotel dedicated safe, sauna lock, Card consumer systems and car park system and so on.
And the intelligent method is pointed out to deal with the antinomy of the performance and robustness of the control systems based on the problem in the industry control practice work.
An intelligent design method to the SISO systems is introduced. This method can give consideration to both the performance of the control system and the simplicity of the controller.
Based on the understanding of characters about the chaotic nonlinear dynamical systems, intelligent control methods for chaotic nonlinear systems are presented.
Aiming at the two type nonlinear systems, it offers the prospects of the intelligent control development trend and puts forward the study direction.
Global optimization of nonlinear max-min systems can be used for decision and control of the flexible manufacturing systems and intelligent transport systems.
In this paper, the coke oven is thought as a kind of hybrid systems, the coke oven heating intelligent adaptive control system is developed.
The intelligent isolation control systems consisted of ER/MR damper and isolator are studied for earthquake response of structure.
Based on the principle of human emulating intelligent control, an emulating human intelligent PID strategy for hydro-turbine governing systems is proposed.
Some intelligent systems rely on microprocessors to provide, in one device, all the functions that are found in a medium voltage control panel.
The thesis introduced the hardware development of the intelligent residence control systems and the software structure, flowchart and application.
Systems control: in order to better manage this system, to achieve unattended on duty, complete intelligent broadcast and control.
As an important branch in the field of intelligent control, fuzzy adaptive control for nonlinear systems has been received more and more attention in recent years.
An intelligent control system for photovoltaic lighting systems was developed to enhance the photovoltaic lighting system efficiency and prolonging the lighting time through intelligent control.
Mechatronic engineering combines mechanical design skills, computing skills and knowledge of control systems, microprocessors and electronics to design and build intelligent machines.
As an important branch in the field of intelligent control, fuzzy model based robust adaptive sliding-mode control for nonlinear systems has received more and more attention in recent years.
This thesis makes a theoretical and simulation study on an intelligent variable structure controller and its application to the automatic overprint control systems of gravure printing press.
In Industry, most systems are characterized by nonlinear, uncertainty etc. Thus the control effect of model-based typical control theory and modem control theory is not as good as intelligent control.
In Industry, most systems are characterized by nonlinear, uncertainty etc. Thus the control effect of model-based typical control theory and modem control theory is not as good as intelligent control.