The preservation of files for their intended purpose.
The preservation of files for their intended purpose.
The preservation of files for their intended purpose.
No, no, it is clearly the result of magic. I simply cannot fathom the intended purpose.
Method validation studies establish proof that a method is suitable for its intended purpose.
To serve its intended purpose, each USP Reference Standard must be properly stored, handled, and used.
为了实现标准品的使用目的,每个US P标准品必须妥善储存,处理和使用。
In this case, should do a small program that is a time-saving effort, and achieved their intended purpose.
In choosing an unloader you must consider the Intended purpose, operating conditions, and additional accessories.
The actual usage of performance shall be conducted to meet intended purpose of product and basic requirement of consumer.
The software needs to be useful for it's intended purpose - at least as useful as the old software or paper process it replaces.
软件必须达到计划中的目标——至少 要做到与旧软件或者被替代的文件流程功能相同。
Public policy implementation process to achieve the intended purpose of public policy, the key to solving practical problems.
Equipment utilized for the handling of materials will be suitable for its intended purpose to ensure safe and adequate handling.
To reach the target text's intended purpose and function, articles in different styles should seek appropriate translation methods.
If enterprises encounter these risks, not only will not achieve the intended purpose of outsourcing may also impose an enormous loss.
To reach the intended purpose of the target language, the domesticating method should be the main approach in advertisement translation.
Component and raw material specifications developed during the design phase should be well conceived and adequate for their intended purpose.
His conclusion was that instead of freeing the memory back to a global pool, he would have the memory remain initialized for its intended purpose.
Artifacts may be of simple, even primitive design, and yet be built to serve their intended purpose in a reliable manner during a lifetime of use.
By developing your application in this way, your page will have more semantic meaning, as it is more likely to use HTML elements for their intended purpose.
If the intended purpose of the device is not obvious to the user, the manufacturer must clearly state it on the label and in the instructions for use.
At the same time, we have improved design on the choice of materials and ratio of grouting in order to achieve the intended purpose of seepage-proofing.
Functionalist approaches puts emphasis on the choice of appropriate translation strategies according to the intended purpose and function of the target text.
This approach may not be beneficial when information is highly dynamic, as the expiration of the cache may introduce overhead that defeats a cache's intended purpose..
According to the going-concern concept, accountants assume that the business will remain in operation long enough to use existing assets for their intended purpose.
Its intended purpose is to the study the extreme universe - exploding stars, cosmic jets, annihilating particles, and other stuff that we don't want happening near Earth.
Its intended purpose is to the study the extreme universe - exploding stars, cosmic jets, annihilating particles, and other stuff that we don't want happening near Earth.