Input color image is first divided into three pictures according to its R, G and B values, and each one represents the intensity of reflected light with long-, medium-and short-wavelength.
The formation of the complex between lead ion and immobilized xylenol orange caused a large reflected light intensity change, and lead ion in the solution can be determinated.
Photometers are specifically designed to measure emitted, reflected or transmitted light in photometric terms of luminous flux, luminance, illuminance or luminous intensity.
It is shown that what the combustion light intensity of diesel engine reflected is the oxidation course of carbon particles in flame.
The reflected light intensity distribution of the laser beam illuminating the surface of a specimen will broaden as the surface roughness increases.
The intensity ratios between the first light beam and the reflected light beam of the second light beam are detected, and one second energy density is determined based on these intensity ratios.
Densitometer: an optical instrument used to measure the intensity of transmitted or reflected light.
Densitometer: an optical instrument used to measure the intensity of transmitted or reflected light.