It also involves how a brand communicate and interact with the audience and target groups.
When you do not interact with the audience, you are giving them a huge opportunity to daydream, doze off and not listen.
These people interact with your customers on a daily basis; they probably understand the true needs and wants of your target audience better than a marketing report could ever explain.
The production will take place over five weeks and allows for the characters to interact not only among themselves but also with members of the "audience."
She prompts her audience not only to interact with the art, but also with one another.
Incorporated within the stage play, the activity of making red lanterns as weapons allowed audience to interact with the performers and finally helped defeat the evil monster.
The brand's integrated marketing campaign aims to transform the passive media audience into participants, so that they interact with real-time screen.
The free Webinars allow the audience to interact with presenters, and anyone can repeat a program at a later time.
This course will provide you with the knowledge base and skill set to visualize virtually any data set and allow your audience to interact with these visualizations to gain deeper insight.
This course will provide you with the knowledge base and skill set to visualize virtually any data set and allow your audience to interact with these visualizations to gain deeper insight.