The group made operating profits of $80M before interest.
The Committee released the minutes of its last meeting, revealing the group that sets interest rates thought unemployment could rise to 10% this year.
The first is the temptation to spread the wealth around to every region and interest group.
This is expected, and duplicate entries are ignored after a special interest group has been assigned to a customer.
Dangerous toys - many containing toxic chemicals - are still being found in U. S. stores according to an environmental and public interest research group.
The post-type identifier helps Sametime post Service to classify notifications and route them to their respective interest group.
The registeredUsers group is the group of interest, as it is the group associated with the registered-users role in your application.
registeredusers组是重要的组,因为它与应用程序中的registered - users角色相关。
However, Shi says some products could pique his interest in group-buying.
Nonetheless, a small but vocal group maintained interest in the interplay of the built and natural environments.
Ideally, the user can specify a specific interest or a group membership and automatically see new information customized for that class of user.
After 25 years of research, more than 130 toy recalls and much legal action, the U.S. Public Interest research Group says toy safety is still a serious issue.
As Robert Blendon, of the Harvard School of Public health, points out, the war against health reform in 2010 has not been an interest-group battle.
The fledgling attorney said he has started looking into opportunities working for a public-interest group that specializes in civil rights.
Join a networking group or get involved in community activities or join a special interest group and make an effort to meet new people.
Hepatology Digest: There is now a special interest group at the Liver Meeting that focuses on HCV.
As a class activity or common interest group go on a visit to a bush area with a spokesperson to explain the characteristics of plant species and their niche in the natural environment.
The next generation of Bluetooth is almost ready, as the Bluetooth Special Interest Group said it would unveil the full details of Bluetooth 3.0 on April 21.
蓝牙技术联盟(theBluetooth SIG)宣布将在4月21日公布蓝牙3.0的全部细节,这意味着下一代蓝牙技术即将面世。
The team presented their work at the Special Interest Group on Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH) conference in Vancouver.
The Semantic Web Education and Outreach ( SWEO) Interest Group came to the end of it's charter end of March.
语义网教育和拓展兴趣组织(Semantic Web Education and Outreach ,简称SWEO)在3月底执照到期。
Members of the XML-SIG (Special Interest Group) do much of the work of maintaining a range of XML tools for Python.
XML - SIG(专门兴趣组)的成员为维护Python一系列XML工具做了许多工作。
The farmers do not have the conditions of establishing sovereign interest group in the administrative levels of personal tendency, organization and macroscopic system.
The image of the modern poetry offers vastly space for different social strata and interest group to conceive future style of national country.
Facing with the current trust model contradiction of scale and computation, with the idea of human society establishment, a P2P trust model based on interest group is proposed.
针对当前信任模型的扩展规模和计算开销的矛盾,借鉴人类社会信任建立的思想,提出一种基于兴趣群组的P 2 P信任模型。
The interest group doesn't directly participate in the decision, but it exerts influence on the policy makers through lobbyism .
We hear much of special interest groups. Well our concern must be for a special interest group that has been too long neglected.
For example, the interest group on the scope of legal aid had identified issues to be examined to this end, such as appeals to appeal panel housing.
It is important to build an effective forewarning system of financial crisis for every interest group, so that the system can help listed corporations forecast financial risk and reduce loss.
It is important to build an effective forewarning system of financial crisis for every interest group, so that the system can help listed corporations forecast financial risk and reduce loss.